Fuck boy

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New girl. One of the many words that currently describe me in this town. Others are, weirdo, goody two shoes etc. I wouldn't think of myself as a 'goody two shoes' well, out of school boundaries that is. In the halls or even streets you hear "I heard she's a virgin" , "I think cameron likes her", "She's probably a slut". Gossip is too complicated for my short attention span and low understanding of social life. How could I be i slut, yet people say I'm a virgin... get what I'm saying? Plus i don't even know this Cameron kid, i try to stay as far away from people as possible. I have my boundaries and i never cross the line. The other day a girl called me a slut and i just laughed. You may be wondering "why the hell would you laugh?" well you see, I'm not as immature as these people, I have no care for others peoples thoughts towards me, besides it's not like i know these people or like they know me enough to even consider me a "slut". Thats the reason why i laughed, it wasn't one of those loud annoying laughs it was a simple low chukle. You see, that's when i earned the "weirdo" title. I find the stupididty level of these "cool kids" extremely high. I don't get why anybody would want to be like them. I do have to admit though. If everyone thought like me, school would be full of lost people confused and simply with no care towards other peoples thoughts, another word for this? zombies. What would be the fun in that? it is fun when you find someone else like me though, just observing others and laugh at their ridiculous ways of acting. Wll aside to all of this you may be wondering what I'm currently doing, I am walking to my next class **boom** not much but let's walk in to the beautiful sight of the drama that will be soon upon us. I walk into my math class to immediatly be eloped in the joys of my daily life. I have been here for only 3 days and i have already figured out these kids, i walked past a couple, he was staring at his phone and the girl was sitting on his desk looking around the class with discomfort in her eyes. I felt bad for her, i sat all the way in the back and i looked as the guy smiled at his phone and the girl would get the occasional "hi" from someone walking in. I felt bad I really did, i groaned. Part of me wanted to talk to her yet part of me wanted to stay away. So i did what i thought was best. I sighed pushing my chair back and walking towards the couple. I grabbed her hand and said "come here" she looked at me confused the back at her man friend then nodded. I smiled as she grabbed her bag and told her to sit next to me. I continued to stare at the guy, he showed no care towards the fact that his girl friend just left him there. I then turned to the girl to see her playing with her hands under the desk. Let me tell you this, I'm not good at comforting people; never have, never will. But sometimes a smile can make anyone's day better. Even if It's one of those brats that have zero mental capability to think for themselves. "Hey" i said and she turned to look at me, i saw tears threatening to fall, i smiled and hugged her. She knew that i saw what she was going through, and she didn't mind hugging a total stranger, and neither did i. I pulled away and placed a hand on her shoulder, "it's going to be fine" she simply nodded and thats when i figured our I may not be so bad at this after all.


The bell to lunch rang and i sighed. Half way through the day. Yay!! ** note sarcasm ** I remembered that Auden told me to wait for her outside of room 307 and walked straight to that class. I heard giggles from a distance and rolled my eyes. I knew what was coming, i could hear a bitch approaching and she was walking fast. I chuckled at my own thoughts and continued to walk towards room 307. "HEY Y/N" I heard footsteps approaching and i had no interests in responding to this person. I groaned as i heard the footsteps getting louder which indicated who ever this is was approaching me quickly. I finally stopped in front of a door '307' i looked inside the window and saw that Auden was talking to the teacher. I guess you could say she's my friend? "Hey" i heard someone whisper before wrapping their arms around my torso. My first instinct was to smack them away. "Who the hell-" i said turning around and staring at the guy in front of me "you have got to be kidding me". "Nice to see you too" he smirked. What the hell is he doing here. I thought looking down at the floor. "You know i love it when you do that" i looked up at him confused. "Thinking something and actually saying it without realizing it" i rolled my eyes at this and laughed. "Shut up grier".



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