the camp

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If there are TW I will put them at the being of each chapter and if there are some chapters that you think need it and don't please tell me. I am only one person and want everyone to be safe and have fun when reading ty :)

"Yo guys I think they are gone" said the tall one.

"it's really dark to dark to walk back without getting kidnaped or eaten by something" said the fluffy-haired boy. "or someone" said the other trying to scar him.

"sapnap that's not funny" said the fluffy-haired boy playfully hitting him.

" alright stop fitting he is right it is too dark to go back so we will have to find somewhere to stay for the night this is a forest there has to be some capers around her some ware" said the tall boy.

they started to walk for a bit till they started to hear laughing. the fluffy harried boy got excited that he won't have to stay out in the cooled much longer.

they walked a bit further to find a break in the line of trees next to them that led to a path. that's where the laughter was coming from.

the three boys walked into the path and found 5 people sitting around a fire. there were two boys who looked like they were 17 fitting by a line of tents then there were 3 people sitting by the fire one had a guitar and looked like he was teaching the other two one had a mask on and the last one had brown hair and was waring a blue jumper with a red box on it.

all of them just looked at one another till the fluffy-haired boy broke the silence. "Hi I'm Karl the tall one here is dream and the cute one over here is my boyfriend sapnap we kind of got chased by the cops for being somewhere we were not supposed to be but it was not my fault I thought we were going for a walk but that's off topic we need a place to stay for the night since it is way too dark and cold for us to walk home can we stay here just for the night"

the other five looked at them even the boys by the tent stopped fitting

" why not the more the better I'm Wilbert the two sitting with me are Ranboo and George"

"hi" the two boys said

" and the two little ones in the back are Tommy and Tubbo"

"I AM NOT LITTLE" Tommy said and the two of them went back to fitting

" don't mine them come sit down" said Wilbert 

all of them talked and gave their numbers, will and Ranboo started to like them but on the other hand George did not like dream or sapnap but he was ok with Karl he seemed nice and not like he wanted to be chased by the cops George does not like people who break the law or do things that they are not suppose to do

by now the fire has gone down a lot cuz no one wanted to get up from their worm spot but since the fire is low everyone is freezing and wants to go in the tents.

Tommy and Tubbo have fallen asleep in a blanket together. Wilbert takes a pick of them than him and Ranboo both pick up one of them and bring them to there tent.

Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy are sharing a tent which makes will and George have to share which George doesn't mind. dream sapnap and Karl share a tent and all of them go to bed.

half way through the night dream wakes up and has to piss. he gets out of bed and quietly gets out of the ten trying to not walk up the other two who at this point are culling trying to keep the other one warm.

dream got out of the tent he decided he does not want to go back to the tent since he is up now so he starts to walk to the fire pit.

when he gets there he sees someone sitting by the fire.

"hello" he calls out not too loud to wake the sleeping people but just enough so the person can hear him   

" why are you up this late" by this point he can tell it is George

"I can ask you the same thing" he responded

"Will was snoring so I could not sleep, you" said the boy. dream is now close enough that he can see George has raped himself in a blanket

"had to piss" said the man now sitting with him

they talked about stupid stuff for a long time neither of them knew how long they have been there but they did know that the sun was coming out.

George started to like dream. now that it was just them George started to show more of himself and dream could tell

by this point George could tell dream was shriving and felt bad

"dream come over here you look cold" he said as he parted right next to him

dream was happy about this since he was freezing so he got up and sat right next to George almost on top of him so both of the boys could have some blicket

"thanks George" the tall boy said

"George?" he said once more not getting a response he figured the small boy fell asleep he ended up staying there till morning not wanting the wake the peaceful boy

"you look cute when you sleep" the tall boy as he slowly falls asleep 

1004 words

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