Chapter 6

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Lucy's POV
We got back to the guild and everyone was by the master.

"Oh there you are Natsu. Come up here brat." Gramps said. Natsu hurried up to where Master was. Master was on the stage. I walked up to the stage or at lease tried to.

"As you may know the S- Class wizard competition is coming up. The S-Class wizards are Cana, Ezra, Natsu, Gildarts, Laxus, Grey, and Mirajane. The people in the competition are Juvia, Lucy, Levy, Gajeel, Elfman, Freed, Lisanna, and Wendy. You all will need a partner that is not a S-Class wizard. The competition will be in 2 months." When some people heard their names they were excited and other were freaking out. I know who my partner will be. I open Loke's gate.

"What do you need help with?" Loke said while pushing up his sunglasses. I love it when he dose that.

"Do you want to be my partner in the S-class competition?" I said all excited.

"I will never say no to you Lucy." He said while hugging me.

"Yay." Was all I could say. People then started to walk away from the stage disappointed.

"Sense I'm here what do you want to do?" Loke said.

"Let's get some ice cream." I said heading out of the guild. We walk to the nearest sweet shop I can think of, Sally's Sweets. Loke opens the door for me.

"Thanks." I walk up to the hostess.

"A table for two?" She said.

"That would be great." Loke said. We walk after the hostess to the table. we are put in a booth. We sat right next to each other.

"What's happening in the Celestial World?" I said.

"Aquarius and Scorpio are getting back together. and there is a new fashion in the Celestial World." I heard that they broke up.

"What the new fashion statement?" I said.

"Let's make a deal."

"Okay." I said hesitant.

"When the S-Class competition comes I will bring you clothes from the Celestial World that are popular." Loke said. Let's just hope that the outfit isn't too revealing.

"What's in it for me." I said.

"I'll stay with you for as long as I can in this world." That's so exciting

"Deal." Loke is the only one who profits from the deal, but I at least get to see him for more than a hour. I'm so excited.

"What if I win?"

"I'll decide when the time comes."

"Hi my name is Mairen, would you like to start of with a drink."(her name is another version of Maureen.)

"I'll have a water." Loke said.

"I'll have a water too." I said with a smile.

"I'll get those right out." the waitress said.
"Hey Lucy. Nice to see you here." said Yukio. She had Sting and Rogue with her.

"Hey Blonde." Sting said. Why dose he call me that. You know, he's blonde too. he almost had a look of confusion.

"Loke this is Sting, Rogue, Yukio, Lector, and Frosch." I said.

"Nice to meet you." Loke said. Let's hope he doesn't start a fight.

"Yukio, I want to walk with you." I said. She had a confused look on her face.

"Okay." she said

"Can we talk over there?" I said pointing to the bar. Everyone at the table Was confused. I stood up and I walked over to the bar with her.

"What do you want to talk with me about?" Yukio said.

"I went on a job earlier and the reward was 2 Golden Keys. I know that you had the other 2 golden keys and I was wondering if they were still your. Don't worry I didn't make a contract with either of them." I said.

"It's okay you can have them I wanted to give you them. I found a new magic. The magic I learned was God Slaying magic." She explained.

"What type of God Slaying magic?"

"Gem Slaying magic." she said.

"Any way, I tried to give you them when I went to you guild, but you were never there." That explains a lot.

"So it's okay with you if I make contracts with them?" I said.

"I heard you and Loke are going out." Yukio said. When people say that it always makes me blush.

"We are." when I said that she was surprised and not surprised.

"I just wanted to hear that from you." She said.

"We should head back to the table. let's hope they didn't get into a fight while we were gone." I said laughing. I turned around and Loke was getting annoyed.

"Sorry for taking so long." I said. All of the guys looked at us. I sat down with Loke. The Sabertooth members walked away.

"How was your walk with Yukio?" Loke said.

"It went great. Now I have all 12 Golden Keys."

"Good for you." He said and kissed the top of my head. I leaned closer to him and put my head on his shoulder. Then a huge bowl of chocolate ice cream came. I'm so hungry.

"Thanks for ordering me this." I said. I say strait up and grabbed a spoon.
"I knew you were hungry." he said. Then he disappeared. Great timing. I finished the ice cream and payed for the ice cream.

Now two months of intense training

Hiro Mashima owns the characters not me.
Thanks for reading

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