Asthma I Tell You

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Author's note:
I'm super excited to start writing! In this story (y/n) = your name just incase you were wondering. Anyways I will try to update every night so without further or do here is chapter 1.........
"You stupid bitch! All you ever do is watch that loud ass man on your laptop," your father screams as he slaps your face. You run out of the house into the midst of the cool damp night crying your eyes out.

Your father was an alcoholic and assaulted you almost every night. After your mother passed away, everything went down hill. You've finally had enough of his bullshit and decided to run away.

Your (h/c) hair was hidden by the hood of your thin black sweater and your ripped skinny jeans didn't really keep you warm in the cold air.
"That's right! You run and don't ever think of coming back you little cunt," Father screamed at you from the house with a knife in his hand.
But you just kept running and running. Your mascara was now smeared from the rain and one of your contacts had fallen out of your eye from crying so hard. Your vision is blurred and so you can't see much. You come to a stop in the middle of a road to catch your breath. Wheezing over and over again, your asthma kicks in and you can't breathe. You dig through the pocket of your sweater to try and find your inhaler but you forgot to grab it before you left.
"Shit!" You whisper to yourself before collapsing onto the road struggling for air.
In the distance you can see a pair of headlights coming to a stop in front of you, a man with brown hair and piercing blue eyed jumps out of his car and rushes towards you.
"Oh my god!" The man says in shock.
He picks you up bridal style and sets you down in his passenger seat. Both of you are soaked. He then leans across you to reach an inhaler from the console. You can smell his mesmerizing cologne. The Irishman quickly shakes it for you and puts it in your mouth. You gasp for air and finally get some. At last, you can breathe.
"Are you ok?" He asks.
You nod your head and take another puff,"," you say between breaths.
"We need to get you to a hospital just in case," he announces.
He slams your door shut, hops into the driver's side and steps on the gas. You still cannot see hardly anything and so you take out your glasses from your sweater pocket and put them on.
"What is your name?" The man asks as you remained looking down at the ground.
"(Y/N)," you reply as you look up to answer him.
"Well my name is..." He is cut off as you say....
"You can call me Sean, but yes that is who I am."
Your breath quickened again and you begin to feel dizzy. Your world began to fade as you were swept into the dark with the sound of the pouring rain.

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