The beginning

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-Pov of Kagome-
I point at Naraku and I say "Ready to go?" "I'm coming!" Shippo says and Inuyasha says "No I'm not letting you I don't want you to die!" He cries and says "Please!" Inuyasha shakes his head and I say "Inuyasha, he'll be fine I'll protect him!" "Well I guess you can protect him while I'm protecting you!" I huff and say "Inuyasha! I don't need you to protect me okay, I'm more powerful than ever" he looks to the ground and Shippo hops with Miroku and Sango on kilala. I say "okay Inuyasha if you want, you can carry me" his smile widens and I smile too and I get on his back and head inside Naraku and he jumps and we land on a demon and we see Sesshomaru go inside Naraku.
~sorry it's really short, update soon

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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