Who you were

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No one pov:
You were lost, stuck, lonely, and unclean.
You were a puppet for a show, some TOY people would only look and enjoy.

You never have left your room, or chamber. People could always see you. You were always on display.

You had ropes connected to your arms legs and neck, for someone to play with. It hurt sure but you were use to it. You have always been in this room as long as you can remember, but you never knew why?

Why did they want you? Why not a actual puppet that can't yell and scream. You don't argue anymore it's pointless no one can hear you only see you being in a soundproof box isn't helpful.

You woke up again after the show yesterday. A man came up and smiled at you. A caring sweet smile like a parent would smile at their child. You tried to smile back, you most likely tooled scared. You always did.

He turned around and walked off. It wasn't new that happens before, but it still hurt a little. He gave you a little hope something to grasp in this cage. You knew he would take you, no one would it hurt.

The man came back and opened the door that had been locked for years. You don't remember what the outside looked like but with people walking in and out you only saw a sliver of the world outside.

He walked in the room and over to you, pulled out a knife. Oh so he would kill you that would be nice you could escape. He cut the ropes holding you. He cut your hand ropes, legs and neck rope.

He smiled at you again, helped you up and he carried you out to the outside.

It was beautiful, there were so many colors, animals and life that you never known existed.
It was breathtaking, you lived every bit of it. The man brought to you to what is called a hospital and they examined you.

"Hey honey, it's okay I'm going to take care of you and you will be happy." The man looked down at you and you felt loved something you had never felt before.

The man's name was 'Fazbear' but you could call him dad. He did adopt you like he said he would. You got some clothes and life completely changed.

But that was 7years ago your 16 now and life is pretty nice. You don't go to school your home school and help your dad with decorating the pizzerias.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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