6 Beauty & The Beast

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"So, is this a double date?" Cater said seeing Neige is sitting right in front of Vil. Vil decided to meet them at one of the hotels to have an afternoon tea, but to Cater's surprise, he saw another guest here...

"Ara. Shouldn't you be grateful that you have gotten the chance to go on a date with two worldwide celebrities?"

"Yes! I'm definitely grateful for this opportunity! Neige LeBlanche right? Nice to meet you I'm Cater Diamond." Cater sounded very upbeat to meet one of the top celebrities right in front of him.

"Nice to meet you too, Cater! I've heard about you from Vil-kun. Ah, I've seen some of your posts too~" Neige putting on his sweet smile as usual, one that could melt even the ice kings and queens.

"Yup. I am honoured to meet you. How about a photo as a remembrance?"

"Of course! Vi-kun too, come and join us!"

"Okay," Vil said monotonously. Vil is ticked off as today is supposedly his manicure appointment but he has to sacrifice it to meet these two potatoes. No, it's a potato and an apple.

"And SMILE! We got some nice pic. Can I post it?"

"Sure!" Neige is always happy to make new friends, and he seems like the type to be generous when it comes to fan service.

"Up to you," Vil replied.

At last, everyone sat down, Neige gentlemanly pulled the chair for Vil.

"Let's order shall we. Neige-kun, do you eat sweets?"

"I eat them, but not too much though, I still have to watch my diet."

"What about Vil-kun ?"

"I eat desserts, though the ones Trey made is really delicious too."

"I see... Should I bring you some if there are leftovers?"

"I won't reject them."

"Fufu~ I am glad to see Vi-kun enjoying himself."

Shortly after they ordered, the desserts came in one after another.

*Beep beep*

Message Notification

Rook: Roi du Poison, be careful with the calorie intake! You have a shoot coming up.

Vil: Ugh seriously. Stop being the psycho stalker can you? Leona said you have been causing trouble at the Savanaclaw dorm recently.

Rook: Oh la la~ It is sure fun chasing after the beasts in there. Fufu~

Vil: One more complaint and I'll change my vice dorm leader. Please keep that in mind.

Rook: Oui. I understand. Though I'm only trying to get rid of them...

"Vil? So, what is your request? Ca-kun is always at your service" Cater winks playfully at Vil.

"Hmm~ I'll tell you when I need to." Vil haven't thought of how to use this favour in his power.

"Ah! I almost forgot. Vi-kun, I've brought some herbal tea for you. I was hoping this can help you get better."

"I see. Thank you." Vil flash a 100 percent perfect business smile at Neige. Little did he know that in the eyes of others they both look like a picture perfect cou-, best friends almost fairy tale like.

After some time they eventually went separate ways with Vil continue shopping, Cater going back to the dorm before Riddle yells at him and Neige returning to his home.

"Let's go pick up some essentials, I would need to replenish my stock for magic stones and some chemicals." Vil decides to hail a cab and went to the famous location which sells most of the supplies he needs.

"Ugh. Why do I have to run out of things right now and I can't even ask Ruggie to get it for me."

"Wait. Is that Vil? What is he doing here?" the whole day Leona felt that his patience is being tested, he wanted to meet Vil but Vil rejected him straight out with "Don't you know I'm busy? I'm out on a date this Saturday and Sundays are my private time. Don't you dare contact me." When he saw Vil alone all by himself, he couldn't suppress his alpha instinct anymore, the need to protect what's his, the desire to claim ownership over his mate... *Does he not know that it is dangerous to be out all alone? Though not that Rook being by his side is any better. I can even smell his pheromones! What is he doing? Not taking care of himself!* At last he opened his mouth "Fancy seeing you here." A sentence that didn't reflect the owner's worrisome.

"Ara. Are you finally out of your nest?" Vil replied with a salty statement.

*The pheromones is so strong but not yet suffocating. Smells just like I expected... He isn't wearing the necklace I gave?!* "Vil, why aren't you wearing the necklace I gave you?" Leona grabbed Vil's shoulder out of nowhere and Vil didn't even have time to respond

"Hah? Why do I have to wear them in the first place? And you've been sending gifts with no reasons, don't tell me you are a fan of mine." Vil is as annoyed as Leona is. *This pretty face with an awful attitude is now questioning my behaviour after avoiding me, unforgivable!*

"Ugh no thanks. Who would ever want to be your fan in the first place. Only a psycho will. I'm about to go back now."

"Okay. Bye."

"And you are coming with me too." Leona dragged Vil with him forcefully.

Leona's Room

"Hey! Let go of me! The students in the Hall of Mirrors has saw our shameful display, I'm not about to be lumped with a person like you!"

"And what type of person am I?"

"The type who only have good looks and everything else don't even spark a good impression on others."

"That's oddly specific."

"Hmph. Why did you bring me here? You aren't the type to go to such length for a person."

"Well... You see..." *Should I tell him now? Ugh Damn it!* "Vil Schoenheit, you are my fated one. I've always known this since the day I first met you in the entrance ceremony during your first year... Even though you haven't gotten your first heat then, I could already tell by the faint pheromones that your body leaks out and my instinct is never wrong. A few weeks ago, you got your first heat. I've been able to sense it, well I know it sounds ridiculous but I've been given training in this particular type of things that's why I'm able to sense it through the fate pair bond we share. Though even fated pair itself sound ridiculous enough."

Vil fell silent for a moment, he can't believe fated pairs even exist. This is some typical fairy tale like scenario that is playing right in front of his eyes and his mind can't seem to process as fast as he wishes to.

"Why the gifts?" Vil who know Leona all too well that he isn't that kind of person who purposely go to such length just to prepare one.

"About that...", Leona could feel his blood rushing to his face. His face has pink tint on it. His tail was swaying back and forth throughout the whole conversation. The smell of Vil's pheromones and perfume were enough to make him lose all his reasons right now, but he kept it all under control. "Damn it!"

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