❥ one shot

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something planned that goes wrong and is a complete failure, usually in an embarrassing way


"Just go and leave me to die, Lukas," you wheezed, your voice breaking mid-sentence. Weakly, you extended your arm towards your best friend who was standing a couple of feet away from you. "Take your chance to flee from this place while you still can. But please don't forget me. And tell mom and dad I love them. It was a great time with you ..." Your voice trailed off and your eyes slowly fluttered close. Then, your arm fell to the ground and so did your previously slightly lifted head, both hitting the many pebbles scattered about the path.

After a moment's silence but not hesitation, scrunching footsteps distanced themselves from you. The one who caused them continued on the unpaved path your best friend (and crush, mind you) Lukas Bondevik and you had been following for the last hour. He was completely and utterly unfazed by your little dramatic performance.

This caused you to snap your eyes open and exclaim in protest, "Hey! Don't you dare leave me lying here!"

"But you told me to," came the immediate answer, spoken in a monotone voice whose owner stopped and turned around to you.

You pouted, though—and also luckily—unseen by Lukas since your head was still lying on the rather uncomfortable ground. You shifted your position. Now, your arms were crossed beneath your cheek to act as a cushion on the stony path. "You could've at least come check if everything's alright with me," you murmured, a pang of hurt stinging your heart. "I might have hurt myself when I tripped, and you would never know."

"If you had, you would have told me," Lukas retorted. Yet, he came back to you. Crouching down next to you, he brushed a few errant strands of your hair from your face. He looked at you with his piercing blue eyes, a gleam of amusement shining in them, and your heart skipped a beat the moment your eyes met his.

Successfully fighting back a blush, you swiftly sat up and flashed him a crooked smile. "Yeah, you got me there," you said, laughing lightly.

Lukas remained silent for some seconds. He stared at you intensely with an inscrutable, emotionless expression on his face which made you squirm a little and wonder what he was thinking about. You had to avert your gaze after a few moments to suppress another traitorous blush.

Yep, you had never told Lukas about your romantic feelings for him. You cherished your close friendship with him, and you sure as hell didn't want to put that at stake just because of your probably unrequited feelings. Thus, you kept quiet and tried not to let your crush on him affect your friendship. Thankfully, you were pretty good at hiding your feelings. (Being best friends with a guy who had perfected his poker face sure had its benefits.)

But at times like this, when he had his unwavering gaze fixated on you, it was quite difficult for you. The longer he looked at you, the more nervous you grew and the more afraid you got that he would look right through you.

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