Chapter 4: Your Safe Heaven

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Chapter 4: Your Safe Heaven

            The next day I was back in class this time in Chemistry. I sat in one of the lab stations waiting with an empty seat next to me. Maybe my lab partner Jess was not feeling well or something because it was very rare for her to miss lab days. I switch a few of the testers under the microscope lens as I heard a voice say “Is this seat taken?” I could immediately tell by his British accent that it was Zayn.

I looked up at him and said “No go ahead” and I smiled. “Good. So vas happening? How are you feeling?” he asked. “Okay I guess” I replied.  While I showed him what the purpose of the activity of the class was, as we shared and switch analysis and worksheets together to fill in the blank spaces and questions in front of us.

Emily’s POV:

It was kind of funny how as time would pass by we were starting to get closer and open with each other. Zayn was definitely a sweetheart he was different than what I expected him to be. I guess I judged him wrong, when I knew he was part of the football team and as one of the popular kids in the whole school.    I thought he was vain,arrogant, selfish, shallow, and had no interests except how to score touchdowns and girls. 

I was very ashamed of myself for ever thinking like that of him. He was definitely proving me wrong every time we hung out.  So for me I was still a little quieter about certain things with him. I wanted to enjoy his amazing and carefree personality, being that we shared the same type of interests in music, and he had amazing tattoos. In a way Zayn was a bad boy like how I like them, the only difference is that his image would look like that but in all reality at heart he was the opposite; he is romantic, shy, funny, smart, beautiful, and a lot of other qualities that made him more impressive than what I would have thought. And I also loved how he would call me Em instead of Emily, for some reason he would be the only one to get away with shortening my name and I wouldn’t care.

Zayn’s POV:

I could tell something was off with Emily, I mean for God’s sake I’m not stupid nor blind. I could tell when a girl was hiding something away from me or from anyone. Emily had been really quiet the past few days and even if she was lonely most of the time when she would be by herself she would bring a little smile to her face or when she would listen to her music on her Ipod. But I knew she was still not being confident enough to be open with me. I just wish she knew how beautiful she is when smile, and when she shares her interests with me.

I have to find a way for her to trust me. When I looked at her in her eyes I see innocence, I see hurt, I see a broken girl who is more than that.  I can’t just stand there and watch her go down like that. She deserves so much better than what she’s getting right now.  She was starting to make feelings inside of me awake that no one else had.  I only wish I would know of what she thinks when she is alone, and if she has ever thought of me like I do of her. Just like I also wanted to know, that if when she smiles around me if I’m the reason behind it all.

“Hey Em, so are you doing anything tomorrow night? Um I basically figure you might want to watch the new Batman movie that’s coming out. I know how much you love Marvel’s classics like I do. So I thought I asked” he said as his eyelashes would flutter a little up and down really quickly when he would get nervous.

“Yeah that sounds… wonderful” I said without a doubt in my mind. I mean Zayn was a friend, I didn’t see anything bad with a movie invite. Needless to say he was like a dream that I could never have, not as long as Matt would be in my life. With Zayn everything felt different he gave me a soothing comfort that I’d never known before whether I found it through the way he would speak to me, his light subtle touches, or just the gaze in his eyes. What was I thinking? He would probably never look at me like that; I needed to get my mind off such thoughts. 

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