Luna's Nightmare

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A cool, crisp air breezed through the night as the bright shining stars and moon of Princess Luna lingered high in the sky overlooking the capital city of Canterlot. Speaking of the immortal diarchy of the moon, Princess Luna sat in her seat in the throne room as Night Court was in the process of ending. Throughout the entirety of the night, Luna had already done her job in the Dream Land where she'd chase away all the nightmares of her little ponies and afterwards spent a few hours dealing with the horrors of Night Court. It's times like these that make Luna happy Celestia was the ruler of the day because she knew for a fact that Day Court was a hay worse. Thankfully, the last bit of business for the evening had been settled and it was finally time to retire for the day so Celestia could raise the sun.

"And that concludes our business for this session of Night Court," Luna announced to her Lunar Guards. "I thank thee all for your insights and exceeding duties. Now it is time for us all to retire for the day. We shall reconvene this court once more tomorrow night."

The Lunar Guards bowed for their princess and marched their way out of the throne room to their quarters. Luna rubbed her tired eyes with her hooves and gave a tired sigh as she stood from her throne and swiftly clopped her way down the steps.

"One last thing to do before bed," She said to herself.

Trotting along behind the throne, she used her magic to wheel out a cart full of lavender and proceeded to hang them along the walls and pillars of the throne room. This is something she'd done for a few thousand years as a king gesture for Celestia to help her relax during her daily duties. Originally she hadn't truly noticed the gesture and it made Luna feel unappreciated. But it wasn't till a few years ago when Starlight Glimmer made them realize they both felt underappreciated with all they do for each other and their ponies.

After that experience, both Luna and Celestia made it an effort to appreciate each other more and everything they do for one another. After Luna finished lining the room with lavender, she took a deep inhale and allowed the heavenly aroma to assault her nostrils. Releasing a content sigh, Luna finally proceeded out of the throne room and down the fall to find her room. Walking down the hall, she enjoyed the peace and quiet of the night.

"Hello there."

Luna gave a startled yelp and jumped down upon hearing the sudden deep voice. Directly before her, hanging from the ceiling, was a bat pony stallion with a dark blue coat about a shade darker than her own, pointed furry ears, and two giant dark wings folded against his back. This was General Supernova, her most trusted Night Guard who served her faithfully since her return from banishment many years prior. Supernova would train all the new recruits for the Night Guard in the princess' absence and certainly did a fine job of it. Now here he was, dangling from the rafters mere inches away from Luna. Staring into his brilliant yellow eyes, Luna almost seemed hypnotized for a moment before quickly shaking her head with a furious blush.

 Staring into his brilliant yellow eyes, Luna almost seemed hypnotized for a moment before quickly shaking her head with a furious blush

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"Oh, tis only you General," She said relieved.

"Forgive me for startling your princess," Supernova apologized, with a grin. "I was merely keeping watch over the throne room. Must have fallen asleep. Soon as I awoke, I noticed your exit and merely wished to check on you.

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