Chapter 14

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A/N - hungover rn oh well...


There was something wrong with Scott.

If the bags under his eyes, constant irritability, lack of eating and uttering like five words a day were anything to go off, I'd say there was something wrong with Scott.

And I'd made it my mission to cheer him up, even if it was just for a few hours before I headed over to the twins' to cook for Gray and Elliott's date. Anyway, I'd learned in the two months I'd been living with my brothers that the way to get through to Scott consisted of a shit ton of blankets, cookies, hugs, and a Disney movie.

That should do the trick.

With everything filling my arms I had to kick Scott's bedroom door to get his attention; I genuinely thought the guy was asleep because of how long it took him to open it - when he did my heart clenched, he didn't look so good.

He was in the same red plaid pyjama bottoms he'd been wearing for at least a week, his hair looked all knotted like a blonde birds nest, his face had lost its glow and the bags under his eyes were enough to tell me he had barely slept for who knows how long - we were definitely cheering him up today.

"Afternoon", I smiled, "wanna hang out?". He gazed at his shoes, then began picking at his fingernails.

"I'm not really in the mood for hanging out bebita", he admitted quietly.

"Not even a Disney film? Cookies? My hugs?", I proposed and he tried to smile although it looked more like a grimace, "half of Tangled, if you want me to leave I will". He stared at me for a moment before opening the door further so I could enter...progress.

Scott's room was pretty simple; huge bed with white sheets, tv opposite on the wall, walk-in wardrobe and en-suite down the other end of it - what I found cute was the amount of photos he had covering his walls.

Frames of all different sizes were everywhere, leaving practically no room for gaps at all; the majority were baby pictures and whatnot, I could see one that looked like Chase's graduation, one of Cay outside a gym and another of the twins standing next to their cars which seemed a little more recent.

Scott threw himself onto the bed and buried everything but his head under the covers before patting it once, taking that as my signal I climbed in next to him and lay the blankets on top of us, placing the bag of cookies between us and resting my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around much recently", he wrapped an arm around me and held me closer, "I haven't been feeling too good".

"It's okay", I promised, "nobody's expecting you to feel 100% all the time, I get it". He nodded against me, then reached for the remote and turned on the tv.

"Tangled?", he asked and I hummed, "can I have a cookie?".

"Go ahead", I raised the bag to him and he took one, breaking it in half and handing the other to me, "okay, let's watch the greatest film of all time".

"Debatable", he muttered as he pressed play, "I love you Isabella".

"I love you too Scott", and I meant it, I loved these guys more than fucking anything.


So uh, Scott fell asleep within fifteen minutes; and I was not gonna be the one to disturb him so I lay there listening to his quiet snores for about an hour - until I realised I had to head out to put my culinary skills to the test. I wiggled out of Scott's bed and left him to sleep before scurrying downstairs and into the kitchen.

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