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Ah It's happened again. I can't seem to want to detailed write out this thing too. Weird huh? Anyways This part would have been a slog considering I'm now drawing for stuff like this to turn it more into a visual medium.

So these were going to be about 3 fights with a main villains with a card and it leads up to Max winning. That was the main idea. I really love visual fights and mostly ones without dialog so writing ones with the sheer amount of detail which I want when I could simply draw it makes me not want to write these fights.


that's a good one. I love how the two are balanced in forms of power. I mean Spiderman has a bit more power with his senses and physical strength but something along these lines where it would be mostly balanced for each one. I also love the grateful dead in jjba. 

Its hard to even imagine how I would write out something like that. It's all very boring to me to write out. So just imagine Max facing something like that I guess. Until I draw this out It's a better fight than me trying to write out some boring uninteresting fight that I would just have drawn anyway.


Punisher vs Russian. I wanted some fight like this as well Max would have been depowered and fought a "Slightly" Genetically enhanced superhuman. How this would have been done? Courts out on that one as of right now. Maybe a mineral akin to kryptonite but It would ruin the events of Cards if even a small bit remains in the prequal. 



As well as another one that is just AMAZING. I cannot overemphasize how much I love this fight with Ippo. The sound design the strength of him the forces of his punches. How he basically kills the guy his punches are so amazing sounding. I mean just Watch it. That would also have been in the second fight.

Even the second one goes to show the divide in how American entertainment has been so bad recently.

The third fight would have been like a simple fight the bad guy type deal he would have kidnapped his love interest yada yada yada. Max would have win and this is the basic outline I have nothing for this yet. He has a metal gear/ gundam type thing...I'll work it out later

So that brings up many questions lore wise. But I know how it would have went down. See in 2027 or sometime after I really don't care for exact dates here Max would have been on a top secret mission to find the last card that has been unused. A final villain who is just a simple prospector finds it and fills it out which causes the card reset. For some reason in my dreams I thought this was cool so I'm putting it in.

So the villain's are holding a nucellar facility hostage. one of the hostages gets the power of electricity for his hearing and just tears into the facility on accident causing an nuclear meltdown/explosion. Max may or may not survive this but even if he were to he'd be insanely damaged or he'd give up being Max Maximum. Don't know how I'd feel about it yet.

So yes that's pretty much it. Sorry for writing so little but after those first parts it would basically be just fighting. Fighting with little dialogue because as much as I write I do enjoy when movies are easy to see and fight. It's why I hate many movies where it is just jumpcut after jumpcut. The matrix Reloaded Neo vs the clones is an example of just the right amount of it. 

So yeah I love the Idea of Max I just am more of a main idea type of guy. I need more time to draw this out and fix it up. But I would just hate it to write stuff I just can't care about. I definitely think I'd keep just doing missions for him when I'm done considering the amount of time I have between 09 and 2027. So yeah onto the last part of Saga 1. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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