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Akane's POV

"Akane, what the hell is wrong with you? You and Dashiki have been flirting all fucking night like I'm not sitting here next to you. Did you suddenly forget that I'm your fucking boyfriend?"
"He keeps flirting with me and I don't know how to get him to stop, so I flirt back. I didn't think you'd be mad about it."
"You didn't think—Akane, I'm about to slap the fuck out of you."
"Do it then. It'd make me wet though," I chuckled. "What the fuck? Look at me, babe," He grabbed my face and I giggled. "Are we about to kiss right now?"
"You're drunk. How in the fuck are you drunk? What's in this lemonade?"
"When you went to the bathroom, I may have or may not have told Daisuke to put a lil vodka in my lemonade. This is like my third one and I'm just feeling a little buzz, he probably didn't put a lot," I shrugged and he shook his head. "It's really good though," I drank the rest of the lemonade and ate the strawberry. "Shit, now I have to pee. Katsuki, move, I'm about to piss on myself," He sighed and got out of the booth.

"Damn, if that was so hard for you, I could've pissed right here in the booth," I rolled my eyes as I got out of the booth, pulling my skirt down. Now, where in the fuck is the bathroom? I scanned the restaurant for a waiter or waitress and spotted someone who was carrying drinks to a table. I walked my way over to him, stumbling a little bit. Damn, maybe he did put a lot. "Hi, excuse me, do you know where the bathroom is? I gotta pee really bad," He smiled and walked me to the bathroom. His smile was kinda creepy... gotta keep my guard up. I thanked him and closed the door in his face and went to a stall. "Oh, shit," I sat down on the toilet and did my business. I pulled my panties up as I heard the door open and something click. I swear if it's the creepy smile waiter, I'm kicking his ass. I flushed the toilet and immediately felt bile coming up. I bent over the toilet, the food I just ate coming up. My throat burned as I flushed again and I wiped the corner of my mouth.

I slumped over the toilet, feeling more bile coming up. "Oh, fuck," I coughed and threw up again. "I didn't drink that much, why am I throwing up...? If I'm pregnant, I'm killing his ass then this baby. God, that sounded way more morbid than I intended," I flushed again and sighed. "Ayo, if you're waiting for me to leave so you can pee, I don't blame you. It's awkward as hell when all you hear is pee hit the bowl then it echoes. Shit is embarrassing for no reason," I mumbled as I tried to stand up.

I fixed my skirt and walked out of the stall only to see the guy who walked me here. I fucking knew it. "Bro, have you been here the whole fucking time? Fucking pervert. Did you get off to me throwing up? You got a puking kink or some shit? I don't kink shame, but that's weird as fuck. Get therapy," He stared at me as I washed my hands and I stared back at him. He finally blinked and I stuck my tongue out at him. I started taking my shoes off because I knew this could get messy. "Ha, I won the staring contest. But seriously, you need therapy not only for the puke kink but for watching women pee in the bathroom. It's creepy and weird as fuck," I tied my hair up in a ponytail as he kept staring at me.

"Anyway, I'll be sure to tell my therapist about you, have fun hanging out in a public restroom," I grabbed my shoes and walked to the door. I'll be sure to scrub the hell out of my feet when we get home. I tried to oepn the door, only for it to be locked. Oh, fuck me. I kept trying the doorknob again, desperately jiggling it. "YO, I'M LOCKED IN THE BATHROOM! I'M HELLA DRUNK AND NEED TO GET BACK TO MY BOYFRIEND! HELLO!?" I banged on the door repeatedly and put my ear to the door to see if I could hear footsteps or people talking, but all I could hear was the music playing loudly over the intercom.

It was shitty pop music too, the kind that gets stuck in your head although you fucking hate it."You have nowhere to run...you're mine," A chill ran down my spine and I put my shoes down. "If you're mad about me saying you need therapy, I'm drunk and I don't even know if I'm gonna remember this in the morning. My boyfriend is waiting for me and I need to go before he gets worried. But, I'm not gonna apologize about what I said, cause it's true," I shrugged. He chuckled and threw his head back, a maniacal laugh leaving his mouth. This fucker is crazy. Think he's Light Yagami with that laugh. His body morphed and twisted into odd angles that made me gag. Is he melting?

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