Chapter 3: DNA

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She led them to the elevator, pressing on the button for the second floor, and told them that someone would be waiting for them when they arrived. Harry trembled slightly as Vernon turned toward him, partially out of fear and partially out of pain.

"You don't say a word about us to your father or anyone else, you hear me?"

Harry just nodded, looking toward the floor as the elevator doors slid open. On the other side, there was a man in a lab coat that greeted them cordially.

"Hurry this up, will you? I have important places to be," Vernon boasted.

"Of course sir,"

Harry kept his head down as he followed the man, memorising the turns they made leading to the lab. He sat down when the man told him to and allowed him to take a cheek swab and draw a small amount of blood.

"I'm Dr. Gorden, and I'm in charge of the, ah, validation of all paternity claims Mr. Stark receives. I just did a cheek swab and a blood sample, and I am going to compare the DNA to that of Mr. Stark. It should be around 2 hours, and if you'd like to leave to roam the city before receiving the results, you may go,"

"Oh no. We're staying. There is no way you all are faking the results and cheating me out of my money! I am keeping a close eye on you!" Vernon growled.

Dr. Gordon's mouth twitched downwards in a slight frown, but that was the only outward sign that he was displeased.

"I assure you, sir, that my job is to verify paternity claims, no matter how true they may be. Finding the truth, in this regard, is my job," He said as he prepped Harry's sample. He noticed Harry's curious stare and smiled.

"Right now I'm prepping your sample to be replicated, so I know I'm looking at the right stand of DNA," Dr. Gordon explained, "I'm adding the materials that will help replicate it and identify which gene to replicate,"

"What's that?" Harry asked, directing his question toward the small machine the man was putting his samples in.

"This is a PCR machine, it will synthesise the DNA replication process so it happens faster,"

"Wicked," Harry breathed out.

"How long is it going to take, Mum! I'm bored!" Dudley whined.

"About 15 minutes for the PCR machine to finish replicating the genes, and another hour to fully separate the strands and compare them to Mr. Stark's samples we already have prepped, to see how much is the same. If it is above or around 90%, Mr. Stark is your father," Dr. Gordon answered, directing it at Harry even though Dudley asked the question.

At the mention of Mr. Stark potentially being his father, Harry's mood soured. Mr. Gordon left, directing them to a conference room should they choose to stay in the tower, and Vernon allowed Petunia and Dudley to leave, but he stayed in the lab, staring at the PCR machine determinedly. After a half hour, he gave up and retreated to the conference room with his family, leaving Harry alone in the lab.

Harry had often read science papers in his free time, and he had no problem with theoretical knowledge, but he was severely lacking in the practical portion. He desperately wanted to fiddle with some of the equipment in the lab, but he refrained. If Stark was anything like the Dursley's, then Harry would be on the streets before the paternity test was even confirmed.

He sighed, carefully laying down so he wouldn't disturb any of his injuries, and hoped to catch some sleep before the results came back.

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