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"You said you weren't coming with your lying ass." I heard my best friend yelled as I walked up the steps of her house.

Tasha was throwing a little kickback just for the sake of us getting together because between our busy lives we haven't had time for each other.

"Hey y'all." I waved to everyone else, clutching my wallet as I leaned over to hug her short frame. Tasha had been my bestie since high school. I would do anything for her ass and it was vice versa.

"I told you I had to find a sitter and then I was coming. You know Zion doesn't like leaving me for shit." I shook my head as I picked up a drink.

"He's a mommas boy leave my godbaby alone, but on another note I'm glad you dropped his self off and came to get drunk with us."

She and her boyfriend, Mikey had a nice ass house and always made sure to go all out when hosting their guest. I loved coming to her events because I knew they would be enjoyable and I would most like get some drinks in my system.

"What's up Trina?" Mikey asked as he leaned down to hug me and I hugged him back.

"Nothing much, the same ole thing."

"My godson giving you a hard time?" He asked in a serious tone and I shook my head. Being that he was also Zion's godfather he played a huge role in teaching him things and keeping him in check.

"You know he's a good kid, a little spoiled but he's good most of the time."

"Very spoiled." Tasha coughed making me look over at her with my eyes narrowed. She knew that they spoiled him just as much as much so she had no room to talk.

"Well if I have it he's gonna have it too. As long as he does what he needs to do, he can have the toys he wants." I shrugged while taking a sip of the wine cooler.

I never planned on having any kids but Zion was my surprise baby and I love him to death. I was going through a lot when I got pregnant with him and he just made everything so much better. I didn't have an issue spoiling him because he was always going to be my only child in my mind.

"I know that's right because when we finally decided to have our daughter, she's gonna be spoiled just like her mommy." Tasha smiled making Mikey scoff as he walked away from the conversation.

"Do you know what you're doing for Zion's birthday? I know you said you were planning something."

"He wants to go the Nickelodeon theme park and that's probably where we're gonna go. They have all kinds of stuff to do down there so we're gonna stay for a week or so."

"Ohhhh, I heard about that park. It seemed nice as hell online so that wound be a nice little trip for you guys. I know there a couple beaches down there too."

"Mmh, he's gonna have fun because you know all
he watches is Paw Patrol and SpongeBob." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Have you talked to Delon?" She asked me.

"I haven't heard from him in a couple of days. He probably got in trouble again or something dumb."

Delon was Zion's father and also my ex boyfriend. He ended up getting six years in jail for heavy drug possession right before I found out I was pregnant and since then he hasn't leaned anything.

He was currently on his last year of serving his time but it was getting harder and harder to communicate with him because at times he would just go ghost on us.

I tried to make it work the first year he went in for the sake of our family but I soon found out he was messing around with other females behind my back, using them for photos and everything else I wasn't willing to send to him.

"Chile he usually has someone call Mikey for him and let you know but you know how he gets." She said with her eyebrows raised.

"I know but I really don't expect much from him so it's whatever. When he calls I'll answer and let him speak to Zion." I shrugged my shoulders.

As the night went on more people showed up and the party was beyond lit. Everyone was drinking, dancing and just having a good ass time. I was about my second drink in when I looked down at my phone and saw that my mother was trying to FaceTime me.

I instantly knew it was no one other than my son wanting to talk to me and I wanted to check up on him anyways.

"I'll be right back." I tapped Tasha's leg before making my way into the hallway that was much quieter.

"Hey baby." I cooed when his face appeared on the screen with a sniffle.

"Mommy, I wanna come with you." He wiped his face and I lowly let out a sigh. He was usually good with my mom so I don't understand why he's crying.

"Baby, you said you were going to stay with Nana and be good for her. What's the matter?"

"He wants to talk to his father. I told him he can't and now he's crying." My mother said taking my her phone from from him with a slight sigh.

"Zion you're going to talk to your dad soon, okay? Stop crying before you make yourself sick." I told him as he continued to sniffled. His brown face was slightly red along with his eyes and ears.

Even though we had our differences I could never say that Delon wasn't an amazing father both emotionally and financially towards Zion.

He made sure that every school year, birthday, and holiday he had everything my thing that he needed and I appreciated that. I worked my ass off to make sure they still had a relationship while he was in jail because my son deserved that.

"You hear me?" I asked him and he just nodded his head with a slight pout on his face. The mother in me was so tempted to go get my son but that's part of the reason why he never wanted to leave my side so I decided against it.

"Yes mommy." He nodded his head, still sniffling.

"Okay, I'm gonna come get you in morning so be good for Nana and I'll see you tomorrow."

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you too mommy."

When I finished speaking to my mother I hung up the phone and made my way over to Mikey who was getting another drink and socializing with someone I didn't know.

"Have you talked to Delon?" I asked him and he looked up at me with the red cup still in his mouth.

"Yeah, yesterday." He nodded and I threw my head back in confusion.

"So he can call you but not his son? Your friend is starting to get on my nerves " I rolled my eyes and Mikey just stared at me.

"What?" I said but he just shook his head and went back to what he was doing. I could tell by the look in his face something was up with him, he was looking too sneaky.

"Nah, seriously what's up because you're acting weird as fuck and so is he." I asked again.

"He didn't tell you that he's out?" He said, finally looking up from the liquor and turning to face me.


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