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Katrina | 1 month later

"And he's still my child's father! What do you want me to do? Block him?" I basically yelled at Joshua as we stood in the bedroom of my house.

"Why are you getting so mad?

"Because you keep talking about it and it's annoying me. You're acting like I want him to call me at two in the morning." I rolled my eyes as I walked into the bathroom to wash my face for the day.

"So I can't say that I don't want your baby father calling your phone at two in the morning when we're asleep. You don't even wanna talk about the shit he was texting your phone."

"Don't swear at me?" I shot him a look.

"But you can swear at me?" He laughed sarcastically. "Let's talk about that shit he was texting you."

"Oh my god, let's talk about it because it's bothering you so much. You're acting like I'm okay with it and responding to it but I'm not."

"He's literally talking about sex we had when I was seventeen! You're letting that bother you for what?"

"Alright, you need to relax while you're pregnant with my child. I'm not even going to bring it up anymore because you're not mature enough to have a simple conversation." He shook his head and picked his phone up from the nightstand.

"That's fine, bye." I rolled my eyes and sat down on the bed. The last month has been nothing but stressful and I couldn't wrap my finger around why.

No one knows that I'm pregnant and that's the way I wanted to keep it for now. The stress of the salon, trying to find a place with Joshua, and being pregnant was kicking my ass.

On top of all that stress Delon has been being more of an asshole than usual. Calling my phone at random times of the night, drunk texting me and popping up at my house whenever he wanted.

He was doing nothing but causing problems between Joshua and I that I didn't need while being pregnant. It seemed like Joshua was slowly becoming fed up with his shit and because of it we've been arguing non stop.

The plan was to move in together but with the way the last month has been going that's not happening and it made me even more grateful I hadn't told anyone but Zion about the baby.

Wiping my face I washed it once again and then got dressed in a black sweatsuit and black running shoes for the day. I needed to clear my head so a simple drive would have to do.



"Ma, I'm not trying to hear that. I want y'all to just leave me alone." I shook my head as I walked into the living from of Aria's house.

"Don't talk to her like that! And give me this damn bottle." She yanked the bottle of patron from me and poured it down the sink making me hot.

"Yo! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Delon stop! I know you're hurting but you can't keep doing this to yourself. You wanna drink yourself to death because mom might be sick?"

"Do you think she needs to be babysitting you right now?" She yelled at me and I waved her off.

If it wasn't one thing it was another around here and this shit was becoming too much for me. A few days ago my mom sat me down and told me the hospital ended up finding something off about her test results when she went in for a physical. And although they we're unsure of what it was it wasn't looking so good.

I've been trying to deal with the shit on my own but it was scary as hell knowing something could be wrong with her. Drinking was the only way I was coping with it until the test results came back but my sister was on my ass about it.

Shaking my head I pulled out my phone and went to see if Katrina text me back. The last couple days I've been calling her because I needed someone to talk to but she was ignoring me unless it had to do with Zion so I started texting her shit I knew would get her attention.

"You don't hear me talking to you? And who are you texting so damn much?" She snatched my phone out my hand and look at it.

"You're sick, you know that? Why are you texting Katrina this crap when you're supposed to be dating Candice. Does she know y'all are talking like this?"

"Man fuck Candice. Give me my damn phone!" I stood my feet and walked over to snatch it back.

"You're literally tripping out right now. How much did you have to drink? When was the last time you saw Zion?" She went on badgering me.

"Bro, I see him tomorrow. Mind your business and worry about why you don't see him."

"Delon Johnson! You stop this mess right now and stop talking to your sister like that! I know you're hurting but this really needs to stop!"

"I'm calling your father telling him you're out here acting a fool!" My mother started yelling at me and I knew it was time to go.

"Alright, you got that." I nodded my head and grabbed went to grab my car keys off the table but Aria snatched them.

"Yo!" I ran my hand down my face. "Why do you keep fucking playing with me?"

"You're not leaving this house drunk! I refused to let you get in that car intoxicated and kill someone!" She screamed at me being dramatic like she always was.

"Ight, I'll walk." I shrugged my shoulders and left the house without saying a word.

40k reads! This book has been getting nothing but so much love the last couple of weeks and I'm so grateful! Thank you so much to everyone who votes and comments!

I'm just curious, who have you guys even imagining as face claims for the characters in the book? I wanna add face claims but I don't want to throw off anyones visuals, lmao.

Now that I have your attention check out my new book Sunset Avenue!

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