2 - James Potter

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Your head hurt. Badly. You think there were conversations happening somewhere around you, but they were extremely muffled. Your fingers slightly twitched and you realized your eyes were closed. It took much more effort than is should to open them, but nevertheless, you did.

You were instantly greeted with the white cleanliness that was the hospital wing, there was a bouquet on the table at your feet, as well as what looked like a few candies.

Your hearing came back to you enough that you realized the muffled voices had stopped, and you turned in confusion to where they might be coming from.

Your eyes feel upon Remus, Sirius, Peter, Lily, and, of course, James, hovering hesitantly near your bedside.

"Well, good morning I suppose," you weakly smiled through your cracked voice.

James leaned down slightly towards you and quietly asked, "How are you feeling?"

You paused for a moment, mentally checking over your body, "I'm feeling pretty fine to be honest, just a bit of a headache."

James's eyebrows furrowed in concern, "Moony, go get Madam Pomphrey, she'll have something for your head," he smiled sweetly after directing Remus off.

You raised an eyebrow at him, "you're being awfully sweet and I can't quite remember what happened, which is making me think it was your fault."

He sat down into a chair beside your bed and, strangely, laced his hand in yours. "It was. Snape said some nasty things about you so I obviously confronted him, and that inevitably led to a duel, which unfortunately led to one of his curses going amiss and hitting you."

Your eyes were still locked on his hand encompassing yours as you took in the information. Before you could respond however, Madame Pomphrey rushed to your side and James stepped away.

She did some rudimentary testing and a few spells, but everything seemed to be in tip-top shape. Whatever spell was casted must've been pretty weak. You were soon released and made it in time for dinner in the great hall. Still, James had made no effort to let go of your hand the whole way there. You didn't say anything though, it felt nice, and you thought if you mentioned it he might snap out of it and release his grasp.

The feast soon appeared and you looked quizzically at the food that appeared. You were going for a pumpkin pastie, but you soon realized there wasn't one in sight. You turned to James, which for some reason you will not question is still holding your hand, and asked him about it.

He just grinned and began to load food on his plate, "I know, I don't see why they can't keep those all year round."

That really only mounted your confusion, but James was quickly overtaken into a conversation with Peter, and you realized you were starving.

After a peaceful, but slightly confusing dinner, everyone headed back towards the Gryffindor common room. You were eager to get some sleep so you bounded up the stairs to your dormitory. You were nearly halfway up when you heard someone call your name.

"Where are you going?" James asked from the bottom of the stairs, "If you need pajamas you can just borrow one of my shirts."

You stopped on the steps and looked at him quizzically, although admittedly the thought of you wearing one of his shirts made you blush, you brushed off the comment and rolled your eyes. "Thanks for the offer but I have plenty of shirts of my own." You went up the rest of the stairs and nearly collapsed onto the bed, feeling very lethargic after getting hit with the curse.

You heard Lily enter soon after, and felt her weight as she sat on your bed. You flopped onto your back reluctantly and looked up at her.

"It really wasn't his fault, y'know. I know James is really annoying but I don't think it's fair to give him the cold shoulder," Lily said with a warm smile, as if she was giving advice that made sense.

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