Chapter 6 = ~💖First Cuddle💖~

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;) yes, they will cuddle in some point/way anyway

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Killer have gotten his plush and goes back to sleep although little does he know.. NM was watching him questioning these " i never see that plush.., why does it look like ???, WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO HIM?" Those questions make him feel jealous and mad at the same time but he decided to let Killer sleep

Morning 6AM


"GOD, SHUT UP!, IM AWAKE!" Killer yelled

Killer got up, goes to shower, goes to closet for clothes

He is in his blue and grayish jacket with blue pants and the hood of the jacket has like cat ears and the pants has a tail of a cat, adding a "cosplay"?

Taking his hood up while removing the illusion he made to cover his cat ears and tail but its under the clothing he have, Killer woke Bloodybot up

"Wake up, Golden Flower" Killer said adding the code nickname for Bloodybot

"Good morning, ~Killer Black~, would you like to have a drink?" BloodyBot ask

"Mhm!, Sure i've love to have one :3" Killer said

"one sec.." Bloodybot said

"Here you go" Bloodybot handed the bloody drink after a flash of light

Killer thank Bloodybot and told them not to reveal themselves


Killer was walking in the hallway alone until...

"Well, hello there my dear Killer~" NM said

Killer jumped and flinch

"Uhh, sorry? Did i jumpscare you?" NM apologized

".. no its fine Boss, where are the others?"Killer ask

"Oh, you guys are on a week off right?, If your wondering why im just in a good mood." NM replied

"Thats sus Boss, you NEVER in a good mood, but where are they?" Killer ask again

"There either out or playing games-" NM replied

A scream was heard

"What was that?!" Killer yelled

"Calm down, they might be playing a game called The mimic" NM said

"Oh?, That game?, I know that game, although im to scared to play or even watch it-" Killer said embarrassed that he's scared

"Killer, you've seen alot of disturbing things yet your scared of a horror game?" NM replied

"I have a fear of loud noises, and i dont really like horror stuff especially if there are jumpscares, its very sensitive for me-" Killer replied

"You can watch it with me? And the others but you'll cuddle up with me is it okay?" NM ask

"...alright i guess.." Killer replied


"Is this really necessary, Boss" Killer ask

NM replied with "What?" In confusion

"The holding hands?,its gonna make others think we're a couple which were not." Killer answered

"Oh, yes and i dont care what the others think" NM replied

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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