I'm starting to get distant with all my friends I wish I could say I was more surprised but I knew it was going to happen sooner or later... I just wish I would've gotten a warning or something bc it kinda sucks when you've been friends with someone for years and suddenly its like you never were anyways. I'm deciding to start focusing on myself anyways like nobody else but me and myself it sounds a bit depressing said out loud just me and my self for a while but only because I've done that said that and then I suddenly fall inlove with a random guy and then boom all of that out the window and it's always like I fall inlove and then a week later I completely forget out whoever it is I was inlove with a week ago then I say time focusing on me and then it all just happens again but for real this time it's just me and myself no lame guy I promise... Yeahhhh I'll still fall inlove with someone but this time it's different I'm making myself a list of 4 things I have to accomplish before falling inlove with anyone and if I don't accomplish them then I'm going to feel really shitty but the list is number 1 no makeup for a whole month no matter what event no matter any party no matter if my dream guy is going to be at my house is 20 minutes no makeup.. at all.. number 2 practice driving I'm getting my driver's license next month and can't fail bc then that'll be whole new list I need to add bc I can't fail anything anymore I'm starting a new chapter in life number 3 have a good relationship with my mom's new boyfriend as much as I hate him deep deep down I know there needs to be peace and I need peace in my life and lastly number 4 I need to be that bad bitch that doesn't give a fuck looks hot acts hot and basically is just a hot bad bitch.....