Part 63

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"I don't know  Di, we have been facing problems for quite some time now and I don't think its working out and this baby,it is all so complicated now" explained Naira while Nandini just hugged her tights as tears made way in Naira's eyes.

Naira told Nandini how she and Kartik had a fight before coming to India andthe connection was fading away. They were in India and talking to each other in pretence of everything being normal but nor was Naira clearing out her misunderstandings with Kartik and nor was he doing it with Naira. No communication increased the distance further and right after  the wedding when Naira saw Kartik being in an over friendly conversation with someone in Nandini and Manik's wedding,she misunderstood him to be cheating at her with that girl. A huge fight followed and Kartik left for L.A. right from Greece while Naira stayed back and the very next morning,she found out she was pregnant. IT WAS VERY COMPLICATED!

"Naira both of you are equally at fault over here,how do you expect Kartik to react if you accuse him of cheating? and obviously you had your own reasons which he is not ready to hear. Communication can only help you right now and you have to do it. This is not about just you two now,there is a baby involved, your baby involved" Nandini said making him understand 

"Di, I understand but in L.A didn't he accuse me of dating his friend?How can he think that low of me and what if he does not even accept this baby to be his?" countered back Naira.

"Naira, let's not conclude anything go  and talk okay?" suggested Nandini

"Family?Should I tell them?"

"If you wish to"

"I want Kartik to know about this first"

"Then so be it,go to him , okay?" 

Naira hugged Nandini,it was a testing phase for her and how thankful she was to have a sister as supporting as Nandini.


"I am confused Raj,I just want Cabir to be happy." said Nyonika while doing her makeup for the reception party.

"Same Nyonika but we can't go against Bua,not at all, we will talk to Cabir later" Said Raj while fixing his tie.


Naira had left for the venue and Nandini was putting on her jewellery given to her by Nyonika,the vermillion thicker than usual, her chooda, the wedding ring,all of it complimenting her look.

"Look at you" exclaimed Manik who had just entered in the room,putting his phone on charge, he approached Nandini back hugging her while she was busy with her earrings.

"Thankyou husband, go get ready,while I go to Mamma,these earrings are just not my cup of tea" said Nandini giving up with the earrings.

They were quite delicate and Nandini needed a helping hand to put them on.

"Well I am here at your service Madam,give it to me." said Manik , taking the earrings from her hand ,putting her hairs aside towards her front and his mind changed. A little mischief never harms. Smirking, he dropped kisses over her shoulder blades reaching up to her ears when Nandini turned around slapping him on his chest.

"What ha? Pehnana hai to pehnao or I am going to Mamma" said Nandini with an authority in her tone. Manik passing her a fake smile,muttered a "Fine" and made her wear the earrings while Nandini admired him all the while through the mirror.

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