The Day After

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Y/ns POV:
I was waiting for Camilo to come downstairs because we decided that today we were going to hang out with each other "Hello hermosa" Camilo said as he entered the kitchen "Hello" I replied "You excited" he asked "Yeah" I replied excitedly, Alma entered with my sister "So, I heard you like girls?" she asked "yes, yes I do" Katrina replied, me and Camilo were looking at what was happening and Alma saw us looking at them "Have you kids had breakfast" we looked and each other said "No" she gave us both a piece of bread and told us to get out, I rolled my eyes "Hey, I'm sure Abuela won't hurt Katrina" Camilo said.
"Whatever, come on let's go outside and start our trip" just then my mum and Julieta entered the room. "Hey guys, are you going outside?" they asked, we nodded "Well there's a new kid here, go meet them" they told us and we headed outside.

We were walking around when we saw the new people "Come on Cami" I said excitedly and we ran over to their house "Hello" a girl around our age looked at me "Hi?" she replied with a smile "I'm Camilo and this is y/n, what's your name?" Camilo said from behind me "My name is Jess" the girl replied, she had short brown hair, brown eyes and was wearing a dress.

We were walking around when we saw the new people "Come on Cami" I said excitedly and we ran over to their house "Hello" a girl around our age looked at me "Hi?" she replied with a smile "I'm Camilo and this is y/n, what's your name?" Camilo said ...

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(Something like this)

"I like your dress" Camilo said and laid his head on my shoulder "Thanks and I like your outfit" "tHaNkS" I giggled a little hoping she didn't hear me "What's so funny y/n?" she asked, well she did see me giggle so I guess that makes sense "Oh nothing, I was smiling" I replied trying to cover up what I had said (a/n I was trying to spell cover and I kept accidentally writing cober- 😭) "Ok, well if you guys want you can leave" Jess said awkwardly, I looked at Camilo who still had his head on my shoulder "Well ok, we have plans so bye" Camilo replied and grabbed my hand, we started walking to a shop nearby to buy gifts for each other "So remember the plan?" Camilo asked "We had a plan?" I questioned "The plan was that we go in the shop and buy something for each other as a gift" he said happily "A gift for what?" honestly I wasn't getting it "I don't know, just for fun I guess" he replied "That makes more sense now" I said and he looked at me annoyed but continued to drag me to the store.

We went in and separated, I looked and looked but couldn't find anything that I thought Camilo would like, I noticed he liked chameleons so I went to the toy section to see if they have any chameleon toys and they did, I found this really cute yellow-green chameleon toy and decided to buy it for him. After I bought it I decided to look around for Camilo but since I couldn't find him anywhere I went to wait for him outside "Took you long enough, mi amor" Camilo said, "I thought you were still inside so I decided to look for you" I said as we exchanged gifts "Awwww thank you hermosa" he said taking the gift out of the bag, I opened my gift and saw a really cute purple teddy bear, I hugged Camilo and probably said thank you atletas a hundred times , he laughed and we went to the park, there was an empty table so we went and sat there, we talked for about 3 hours and decided to head back to casita, on our way back we saw Jess "Oh hey guys, where are you going?" she asked us "We're going back home" Camilo said, "Ooh, can I come?" she asked Camilo and he looked at me then back at Jess "Sure I guess" he said, me and Camilo were holding hands while we held the toys we bought for each other "Where did you guys get those?" Jess asked us pointing to the toys "We bought them for each other" I replied and she rolled her eyes, I think she was annoyed we didn't get her anything. When we got back to Casita we all went upstairs to Camilos room.

"Wow, I like your room Camilo" Jess said looking around, Camilo and I both sat on his bed while Jess sat on mine, "So, how are you Jess?" "I'm good thanks, you?" She asked replying to me and looking at Camilo "I'm good" I replied "me too" Camilo said, we all talked about all kinds of thing but then it started getting dark and Jess had to leave and me and Camilo had to go eat.

"Hola Mami" I said entering the kitchen with Camilo "Hola mi amor, do you know where your sister is" my mum asked "No" she asked me to go find her and I took Camilo with me, I grabbed his hand and ran to Isabela's room "You really think she here?" he said looking at me "Well of course, she sleeps here" I replied as I knocked, no one answered so I knocked again, Katrina opened the door a little bit "Mum said dinners ready" Katrina looked at me "Ok thank you, I'll tell Isa" and with that she closed the door "She never said" Camilo said looking at me confused "Yea, but we know it is" I smiled taking Camilo downstairs to the Kitchen "Did you find her" my mum asked helping Julieta set the table "Yep and we told her to come downstairs" my mum high five me and said good job. Everyone else came downstairs and we had dinner.

"So how was your day with Camilo" Dolores asked looking at me "It was fun" I replied looking at my food "We got each other toys" Camilo said wanting to be part of the conversation "Really?" she asked jokingly "Your not surprised are you?" Camilo and I both said at the same time "I mean you guys act like kids, I'm not surprised you got each other toys" she said with a smirk Camilo chuckled and I just continued eating my food, "Katrina, I heard that your lesbian" abuela said, I guess the thing this morning wasn't about Katrina being lesbian "is that true?" she continued, Katrina nodded slowly unsure of what was happening "Congrats" Abuela said "Thank you" I was relieved that Abuela wasn't mad about my sister being lesbian, she smiled and continued eating her food, everyone was having different conversations, I looked at the window and saw kids playing outside. Everyone had finished eating and we all went up to our rooms, I went to Camilos room cause that's were I sleep.

Me and Camilo were both ready for bed and we couldn't fall asleep so we just talked, "Cami, odd question-" "If you want to sleep with me because you can't fall asleep sure" he said, I got up and went to his bed, after we talked some more, we both fell asleep.


Not sexualising the characters in any way btw, they're just sleeping- . Anyways what did you guys think of that chapter?
That's the end of it, have a nice day or night and goodbye


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