The escape

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Missy: Alright so this is what we are going to do. Facemaker, you are going to get the guards in here. When I call for the cushions, Wildcard, Noodles and... Facemaker, you three will grab the cushions on the couch and place one each in front of the guards.

Guppy: Wait why do we need the cushions?

Missy: because even though we want to escape this place, we are still the good guys. So we won't let them leave with bruised butts.

Guppy: ohhh! *giggles*

Missy: Ok next, Guppy you are going to take them down. So that Noodles can get their access cards, then we can all make our way out of here. Everyone got it?

*everyone nods*

Wildcard mumbles: It's not going to work.

Wildcard POV

Fine I will follow her plan, but it is sure to fail since I wasn't the one who thought of it.

*Facemaker opens the door, guards stop to look at him*

Facemaker: Hey, is that updog?

Gaurd: What's updog?

Facemaker: Not much. Just living my best life over here. Not like I'm totally up to no good or anything. *Makes mischievous face*

*Guards follow him in, to see the kids of the heroics standing in a formation*

Missy: So don't ask us how we know this, but aliens are about to attack, and we're no longer safe here.

Gaurd: This place is a fortress. Nothing is getting in. And I'm afraid no one's getting out, either. Those are the rules.

Missy: Oof! Then we're definitely getting out of here, and so we're gonna need your access cards. Like, now.

Guards: And you think we'll just hand these to you?

Missy: No, but it would have made this a whole lot easier. Cushions!

Wildcard POV

Well... time to watch this plan fail

* Guys put the cushions in front of them*

Gaurd: What are these for?

Missy: Tell him, Guppy

Guppy: To protect your butts when you hit the ground.5

Gaurd: Why don't you get back in line?

*Guppy takes down the guards, soon Noodles hand all three access cards to Missy*

Missy: Aliens really are about to attack, so we'll have to leave your expert care until you and Miss Granada know what we know.

*Gaurd hits the alarm button*

Fast forward: This was a bad idea

Missy POV

It's ok no need to panic, we have rewind.

Missy: Wheels, next time this happens, don't let the guard reach the alarm. Noodles, you'll take his jacket and cuff them.

Guards: What next time? You kids aren't-

*Air vent( still not sure what it is) Suddenly stops, Wildcard jumps off the table to look at the back*

Wildcard POV

yep just like I thought, this plan backfired

Wildcard: I told you your plan wouldn't work! *wildcard gets taken away by the aliens*

Missy: no!

Missy POV

We might not be on the best terms, but no way am I letting the aliens capture him

Missy: Rewind, send us back

*Rewinds back to before guards reach the alarm*

*Wheels stop the guard by using his wheelchair, Noodles cuff the guards and takes his jacket*

Missy POV

Great! But no time to waste, we got to get out of here

Missy: C'mon let's go!

Wheels: Single file line! Like a fire drill. We'll be questioned less that way.

Missy: let's go let's go!

Wildcard POV

This only worked because of rewind

Wildcard: Beginner's luck.

Missy: We just saved you from the aliens who captured you, be grateful!

*Missy and Wildcard runs out of the room and locks it*

Author's note

There you go! The fourth part to We can be heroes : Wildcard x Missy ! I'm new to this so sorry if it isn't up to your expectation. You can hate my story, but keep the hate to yourself. Don't put your hate in the comments. Constructive comments only. I don't mind if you put some tips on how to improve my story!

Question: Who is your favourite character in We can be heroes?

We can be hero's : Missy x WildcardWhere stories live. Discover now