Living Room, NY

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Move in with me.

This was the first thing Wren remembers as she awoke with her arms securely wrapped around Clover. As much as she was in a drowsy state last night, she meant it with her whole heart. She looked at Clover, wondering what she was dreaming about as the sun rays entered the room.

As they remained intertwined, both girls were content with the situation. Clover was silently thinking about what Wren said, she was in fact ready to move in with her but didn't expect it to be so soon. She felt the soft groan from Wren as she rolled over and place a gentle kiss on Clover cheek. This caused a soft smile on her lips as she opened her eyes and saw Wren hovering over her, suddenly attacking Clover with an abundance of kisses.

Within that moment, Clover immediately saw her future. She could imagine the endless mornings of them waking up together in each other's embrace and the smell of coffee in the air for a late breakfast. She was utterly content.

Both the girls had work on that morning so they reluctantly parted ways and started the day. While Wren was making croissants, she thought about her future with Clover, she got lost in the daydream of possibly opening a business together.

As the day drug on Wren was covered in flour, finding residue on her face, shirt, pants and shoes. She still couldn't stop thinking about Clover, they needed to talk more about what she said last night. Wren hopes that she would move in, she'd love nothing more than that, but there was this nagging feeling she couldn't shake.

On the other hand, Clover had been so incredibly busy she almost forgot about Wren proposition. With dethorning roses and making floral arrangements for an upcoming wedding, she often lost track of time and made a mental note to talk to Wren about what she said.

As both of them were nearing the end of work, Wren texted Clover to ask if she could come over as soon as she finished work. As Wren started walking home, she felt her hands get clammy and the anxious feeling in her stomach become more noticeable. She nears her house and spots Clover walking to the stairs that lead up to the foyer. She had her earphones in and was bobbing her head every so often, Wren loved it when she got lost in her own little world.

As Clover turned around she caught a glimpse of Wren, her face immediately lit up in the cutest smile while engulfing Wren in a hug then placing a kiss on her soft lips, smiling into it.

"How was your day?" Wren asked while walking up to her apartment, taking the keys out.

"It was good, did some more prep for that couples wedding, what about you?" As she was taking her coat off.

"Did a lot of baking and as usual I got shit everywhere, but yea it was good, better now that you're here." Wren said while blush crept onto her face, with a small smile.

This caused Clover to wrap her arms around Wren and place a soft, tender kiss to the nape of her neck. She couldn't believe that someone like Clover could love her, the raw emotion that Clover made Wren feel felt too good to be true, like they were two souls just made for each other.

Wren turned around to face Clover, she need she had to ask her again to move in with her and this would be the perfect time too.

"Do you remember what I said last night before I went to sleep?" Clover nodded and Wren continued. "I meant what i said last night, I really want you to live with me, I can't think about you not being in my life and I want us to take the next step, so please move in with me." She finished and looked at Clover in the eyes.

"I will, I wouldn't want anything more than that." She said while smiling which made Wren scoop her up and spin her around, the sheer happiness clouding out every other emotion.

They spent the rest of the evening cuddled up to each other, in their own little bubble of joy.

• • •

The words kept replaying in Clover's mind as she walked home. She knew that this would happen but she couldn't believe that it was actually happening. She told her roommate as she sat down to eat dinner. After various congratulations she called Wren and it was decided that she was set to move into Wren's on Friday.

It was an understatement to say she was excited, she couldn't wait to start her life with Wren. She decided to put some of her things in Wrens storage space as there was enough furniture already. Wren got an extra key cut for Clover as well as a key for the storage as well.

As Friday rolled around, both the girls were bursting with excitement, Wren has tidied the apartment and made more space for Clovers stuff in the closet and bathroom, not that she didn't already have a toothbrush and shower products there already. Wren planned on making a nice dinner as that would mark their first night together and to many more.

Wren went to Clovers old apartment to help her with some extra things. They hauled the rest of it in the taxi and up the stairs to their apartment. As Clover placed everything in their respective places she sat down in the living room and wrapped her arms around Wren who was in utter bliss, they sat there for a while, absorbing the fact that this was their apartment and no longer Wrens.

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