Chapter 1:

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There I was, three-year-old me, shivering with fear in the corner of the room, while my mum, my poor Sally, was begging Smelly Gabe (my stepfather) to spare her. Drunk and careless, he pulled the trigger. Bam! My poor mother, my poor world crumbled on to the floor, blood splattered everywhere. I let out a loud whimper. He turned and looked at me. A cruel smile crept up his face. "You should be glad, I'm sparing you" he said, "do what I say or else your fate will end up like your mother here" he pointed the gun to her swinging it like it was some kind of toy, a dangerous toy, a toy that could kill someone. I nodded quietly, not wanting to talk. "Okay, clean up this mess!" he ordered, pointing at the blood and broken glasses. "I'll deal with the body" He let out an evil Laugh.

He pulled mum away as I tried to hold back my tears, which kept on rolling down my cheeks. I swept the floor; I wiped away any blood, which was scattered, when I was finished. Gabe had already finished. "Go to your room!" he yelled. I scrambled, and entered and closed the door behind me. I crawled into bed and cried and cried nonstop. I felt like I was drowning in my tears. Mommy? Why did you leave me like Daddy did? I don't want to be here with smelly Gabe, oh please someone help me? I thought helplessly as I rocked myself to sleep, which I was unable to. I stayed up all night thinking of the horrible things Gabe did to my poor Mummy and me.


I was looking at a cheap looking watch on my wrist and I smiled. It gave me good memories of my childhood with Sally. She gave it to me when I was eight. It was way too big for me, but I loved it anyways, it was a plain watch, nothing special to anyone who sees it. But to me, it was everything to me. It reminded me of my best friend Sally Jackson. When her son was born Percy Jackson, she gifted me the best gift I could ever ask for. I was given the title as Godmother of Perseus Jackson. I haven't seen her ever since Percy was born. I hope they are doing alright. I never got to see the dad; she told me that he was lost at sea a month before Percy was born. I wish I could have seen him.

"Hey Nat" Clint said as he walked past me in the avenger's tower. "Hey Clint" I said absent mindedly. "Something in your mind?" he asked. "A lot" I answered without looking back from the watch. "You are really into that watch" "so?" "So.... Who gave it to you?" "You remember Sally?" "Oh yeah! The two couple agents Jim Jackson and Estelle Jackson's daughter and your best friend" 'Master Stark wishes to see you two in the lounge' JARVIS spoke. "Tell him that I'm coming" I replied 'will do Agent Romanoff' JARVIS spoke. Clint and I walked to the lounge where the rest of the Avengers besides Thor who was in Asgard were. "Hey guys' ' Clint said, waving his hand. "Why did you call us here?" Steve asked. "Fury" Stark responded.


Nick Fury, our boss, came walking into the lounge with a file in his hand. He dropped it on the table. "Open it" he said. I slide the file towards me. My steady hands opened it and a paper slipped out. I picked it up. It read:

Full name: Perseus Jackson

Status: Alive

Age: Three-years-old

Mother: Sally Jackson

Father: unknown, deceased, Lost at Sea

Stepfather: Gabe Ugliano

Other relatives: grandparents, Estelle and Jim Jackson, former Agents of SHIELD, Deceased

Education: Preschool

Then there was a picture, a small boy with unruly raven hair with bright Sea green eyes like the ocean. "Aye small Perce" I smiled, "what is this all about?" "Bring him," Nick simply stated, "why?" Tony said. Nat went into full protective mode, "of course we need to find him!" she exclaimed. "Eesh, Nat, what's up with you?" Tony chuckled. "I'm his godmother," she sneered. Tony dropped his pizza slice. "Really?" Bruce. I nodded, "Sally was her best friend, they were friends since they were eight" I replied.

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