Chapter 4

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"When's the right time to stay? When's the right time to leave?"

Y/n's POV

"Why wouldn't this mother fucker pick up her fucking phone?" I cursed as I dialed Yujin's phone for the fourth time. She didn't answer.

I need her help with the merging proposal. She's a lot more competent with this area.

"Nayeon. The ring." I signalled her to wear it as representatives entered the conference room.

"A pleasant day. I'm Lee Y/n, the appointed chairwoman of Inseo and now, Yulje." I introduced myself and bowed.

"Please dim the spotlight and bring one to my wife over there, Dr. Im Nayeon." I said as gasp filled the room with this shocking news.

Nobody had seen this coming.

"I see the responses. But as much as I want to answer the questions, I will now present the meeting-proper and my goals and visions." I added as a hush for the reporters asking questions and proceeded to present.

I glanced for a bit at Nayeon who's already gone at her spot. I told her to stay, that scumbag is like her sister.

The meeting went smoothly and I catered the questions after. Although a lot are controversial and crossing the line.

"The merging system is risky. What are your thoughts about it?"

"Inseo and Yulje as always been the top hospitals in Seoul. In terms of Cardio, Inseo has always been on top but that doesn't mean Yulje isn't. Vice versa with Yulje having the best Neuro department." I answered.

"However, both of these hospitals does not top the General Surgery department criteria in comparison to other hospitals. I figured out, these are both teaching hospitals. If attendings teach the residents, why can't attendings teach the attendings too?" I added.

"The public had currently seizing the rumors between you and Kim Minju, and now that you announced your marriage to Im Nayeon, what is your opinion about it?"

I paused and took a deep breath.

"It's Doctor Im Nayeon, not Im Nayeon. She isn't the best Cardiologist that I have to be discredited that way." I answered.

"What about Kim Minju?"

"She's a close friend of mine." I answered.

"And what about the picture of you at Cheok Center acting lovey-dovey?"

I hate media.

"Have you seen me and Yujin? Are you going to assume I'm dating her too?" I joked.

After the fourth question, I passed the responsibility to my assistant and went straight to my office.

I can't sign the papers as well so they were put aside for me or Yujin or Nayeon to sign—if she has conscience left.

I dialed Yujin's phone once again and this time, she finally answered. But she wasn't the typical Yujin.

"I almost lost Wonyoung." She said over the phone.

"What? Where are you?" I asked.

"I just signed papers." Yujin added.

"What papers?" I asked once again.

"Last Will and Testament." She added as I heard Nayeon's voice—seemingly like shouting and getting mad. I stood up as I know where they are.

I hang up as I ran over the busy halls of Yulje Hospital to Nayeon's office. But just as I was about to enter, Yujin greeted me as she was already outside, a bang in the door just happened.

"What exactly happened?" I said as I glanced over Yujin who's trying her best not to cry despite her tear stained cheeks.

I peeped through the small window in the door to see what's happening. Nayeon is extremely angry.

"She doesn't want any one in there." I was about to enter the room when Yujin said that but I entered anyway.

I was greeted by her throwing a pen. I dodged.

"Get out or I will throw that vase." She warned as I got closer to her.

"Are you deaf, Lee?" She said once again as I stopped my steps.

She puts on her white coat to save lives.

Just like every other doctors.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Nayeon asked once again as I didn't answered.

But once she puts it off, she's vulnerable. No matter how hard she conceals it.

Just like every other people.

I went closer to her as I crouch down to her level.

"Hugs are not my thing but you need it. Punch me. Kick me. Cr—" I said as she cut me off.

"I don't cry, idiot." She said.

"Whatever." I replied as she hugged me.

And cried.

She's all but human after all.

"What exactly happened?" I asked her as she calmed down a bit.

"That stupid sister of mine signed a last will saying if Wonyoung doesn't wake up within two months, Yujin will donate her heart instead." She said.

"What the fuck is she thinking?! Are they comp—" I said.

"They are." She cut me off.

"I GET THEY ARE SOULMATES AND LOVE OF THEIR LIFE IF THERE'S ANY BUT HOLY SHIT!" I freaked out as I went outside to find Yujin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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