29. Omniscient

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"I knew you would get the job!" Aria said excitedly to Mink as they sat across from each at their favorite Mexican spot. Mink was all smiles she was happy because this IT company was one she had her eye on from the start.

"Have you heard back yet?" Mink questioned, her and Aria interviewed on the same day. Aria shook her head as she picked up a tortilla chip and dipped it in the salsa. "I'm not going to get my hopes up, I have a few more interviews later this week. I just need one to come through. That of course was my first choice cause the pay starts higher but I just need to get my foot in the door."

Mink nodded in understanding, "I feel it. I'm going to still claim it for you that the job is yours!" Aria smiled as she thanked her, "when do you start?"

Mink sighed as she picked up a chip, "orientation is next week and it's so much shit I have to do. You know our lease is about to be up and I just signed a lease for my new place so I'll be spending the weekend packing. While also trying to prepare to start a new job."

"This is all good stuff though!" Aria let out as Mink nodded in agreement, "yeah it is, just happening quick."

"I'm surprised you and Jodie didn't get a place together." Aria let out with a sly look. Mink looked at her like she was crazy, "we are still fresh, it's only been a couple of months. I would not dare move in with a nigga that soon. We still need our separate space."

Aria nodded in understanding, "speaking of Jodie though! You never finished telling me what happened with his mom, I know you texted me pissed that y'all were going there." Mink rolled her eyes, "it was a shit show, as expected. But Jodie stood up to her and basically told her to get with it or kick rocks cause he was still gon fuck with me." Mink said with a smile, "she made it clear she didn't like me and was still team Kira."

"Wow. I can't." Aria said with a shake of her head, "what be wrong with these niggas mamas? You know me and Landon's mama didn't hit it off starting off."

"I remember." Mink said with a shake of her head, "it's like Jodie mama lowkey act like that's her man though. She was throwing Kira name around a lot but I honestly feel like it's just her. It's clear he was like the man of the house and she don't like the thought of somebody coming in and taking him. And women need to stop that shit. Your son is not your man."

Aria nodded in agreement, "hell yeah, that shit is weird as hell and happens way too often. Oh, I didn't tell you! I cut things off with Quay."

"What?" Mink asked with surprise, "how did that go? I'm honestly not surprised cause you were talking about just wanting to be by yourself."

Aria nodded, "yeah, and I honestly kind of told him that. Told him we could be cool but I'm not looking for nothing beyond that right now and he was cool about it." Mink smiled, "well that's good. You happy?"

Aria nodded with a smile, "it's refreshing, I'm not butt hurt over Landon anymore so it's not like an alone because I got played feeling. But a this is what I want so it feels damn good type of alone." 

"I fucking love it." Mink let out honestly and truly happy for Aria.

"Me too, but off of that, before I forget to tell you! Kennedy wants to do one big kumbaya before everyone goes their separate way since we've all graduated and shit now. You probably don't know this but she took a job in Colorado, that she leaves for next month. And she just wants all of us to get together one last time like old times."

"Who is everybody?" Mink asked as her eyes went towards the waitress bringing out their food. Aria followed her eyes, pausing the conversation until after their food was in front of them.

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