Chapter 31 pt 1: Graduation Incident (The Incident)

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Hwa POV:

Earlier the morning

"Hey Felix, you're here 10 minutes early." Hwa opened the door to Felix holding a backpack filled with materials.

"Sorry. Hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all. It will give us a bit more time which is good. Come on in." Gesturing for Felix to come in.

"Well, let's get started, shall we?" Felix smiled, lifting up his uniform.

Hwa went into the bathroom to change into his suit when he heard muffled voices outside. "Felix?" Automatically thinking it was Felix talking on the phone but when he opened the door, he recognized the other voice was his uncle. "What the fuck? He never talks to anyone. Especially my friends." Hwa thought in his head.

"Hey Felix! I need help!" Hwa made an excuse for Felix to come back upstairs. "What were you talking to my uncle about?" Hwa asked as he watched Felix walk up the wooden stairs.

"Oh I was just asking him something about suits. Are you done, Hwa?" Smoothing out any bumps on Hwa's suit. "Now let's do hair and makeup and we're done." Dumping out a hair straightener and makeup supplies.

Ravn POV:

Ravn was just in the shop thinking how Joong and Seoho are about to graduate and he couldn't go to the graduation since he knew people would recognize him from a year ago. This thought made him sad but all of the sudden his phone rang, interrupting him from his phone.

RVMeow: Hello? Who is this?

???: Hi, this is an acquaintance of your mom Moonbyul and Solar.  I need to inform you that they have gotten to a major car accident. Please come to this hospital as soon as possible.

Alarmed Ravn immediately grabs his stuff and heads out the door without a second thought since it was his parents.

[ At the graduation center ]

"Wow, would you look at that? It's so beautiful." Felix looked in awe of all the decorations, balloons, and congratulation signs all over.

"Aren't you coming?" Hwa stopped noticing his friend was not following him.

"You go on in. I need to meet one of my friends. Don't worry, I'll be there in a few minutes." Making a hand motion for Hwa to continue.

Hwa stood near the entrance, feeling his anxiety set in. "Holy shit I'm graduating. Is this happening? Wait, Where the fuck is Felix? I can't go on without him. It'll be too awkward." Hwa kept repeating in his head as he walked back and forth in the hall.

"Hey Hwa!" Felix greeting Hwa. We have to go inside now. It's about to start." Dragging the anxious Hwa into the big graduation room. "Woo is here right?" Felix asked, opening the door for Hwa.

"Yeah of course he's here. I just don't get why my uncle is here. He's never here for anything. I don't want him to be here."

"Good. everyone's here." Letting themselves in a huge room where people were already seated for graduation.

Slowly the ceremony began, speeches were spoken by the Principle. Then finally students' names were getting called to get their certificate. Slowly each student's name was called including Joong, Seoho, Felix, Changbin, and even Hwa. However, when they called the name San, there was no San to go up to take the certificate.

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