The end of class

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I sit down impatiently waiting for class to end. The teachure lurks across the classroom stopping behind me. I look behind me to stare at her tears still in my eyes. As she starts laughing at me.
"Awwweee little Y/N sad she can't help her gf." The boy infront of me teases as i hug the doll tight into my chest.
"Shut up you twat I'm fucking straight." I say to him shutting him up then turning back to the teachure. "What?" I snap at her still pissed.

(You may be straight but I definitely ain't 😂)

"Don't make keep you behind now." She says to annoy me. I stare her in the eyes fire burning behind my tears.

~Time Skip cuz idk what to put here~

Class ends but the teachure keeps me behind and sits behind her desk smirking at me. "Let me leave you bitch." I snap at her.
"What so you and your 'FrIeNd' can go talk? Nah rather not." She replies rather happy with herself.

I use this time to think if I'm straight and keep denying that I like crybaby. I mean I dont shes my friend I just think she's cute.

A few minutes pass when I realised something while looking at the doll.
"Shit... I do like her." I mutter when suddenly Angelita burst through the doors.
"Y/N WHATS TAKING YOU SO LONG" she shouts across the room. "And wheres crybaby?" She ask me seeing the tears in my eyes. I look down at the doll which i was still hugging tightly and show her.
"This bitch won't let me leave." I shout at the teachure. Then realise that Angelita could help. I rise up from my desk and run to Angelita. "YOU CAN HELP ME!" I shout the tears now rolling down my face. Both of us close and reopen are eyes turning them black and turn crybaby back to normal. She trips and i catch her and hug her tightly.
"Y-Y/N?" Crybaby says confused before remembering what happened and hugs me back. I look up at Angelita while hugging Crybaby still when I see her making a heart with her fingers at us both while smirking. I pull off of her as she wipes the tears from my eyes.
"I'm fine Y/N don't worrie." she says placing her hand on my cheek in a comforting way. We're both blushing when the teachure looks at us in disgust.
"Get out of my class you love birds your making me feel single." She snaps at us while all three of us walk out.
"Are you sure..your okay?" I ask nearly crying again.
"Y/N seriously im fine." She reassures you.
"Simp." You heard Angelita mutter making me stop and stare at her.
"Mhmmmm sureeee." Angelita teases and starts to walk. While crybaby is just stood there blushing.
"Well I'm straight so go fuck yourself." I lie trying to get her to stop.
"Thats not what I thought when you were-." I suddenly push her to shut her up before she told crybaby.
"Shut. Up." I say and she smirks.
"Okayyyy~." She laughs as crybaby pulls me to the other side of her away from Angelita.

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