Chapter 4.

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Riah's POV.

Waking up much later then I normally do because of my hangover, I opened my eyes to Mylo and Claggor playing some board game. Powder sat on her bed playing with a stuffed bunny that looked like it been through hell. I rubbed my eyes.

"Good morning Party animal, how was your sleep?" Mylo smirked, I threw my pillow at him.

"Shut up" I got up and streched.

The door opened with a teary Vi walking through it. She picked up Vander's Gloves and all of us reacted.

"Vi what are you doing?" Mylo questioned.

"Those are Vander's.."

  "They took him and killed Benzo." Vi croaked out.

"What?! Who took him?" I asked as all of us were shocked.

"I don't know, but we need to go help him." Vi responded and all of us began to grab things and getting ready to leave, Including Powder.

"I need you to sit this one out, Powder." Vi sighed.

"What?" Powder croaked out.

"You're not coming." Vi sternly said.

"I'm not afraid."

"It's too dangerous."

"But families stick together. You said it yourself." Tears filled Powders eyes.

"I know what I said..."

"I want to fight. I can help." A Tear spilled from her eyes.

"You're not ready!".

Powders eyes broke.

"You're all I have left," Vi softly spoke.

"I can't lose you."

"Here. If they come for you, take this and run." She passed a flare to powder.

"I promise you. I will find you." Vi said starring into Powders teary Eyes. I gave Powder A big hug and whispered in her ear that we would be back in no time. She snugged into my neck, and we left.

Following what little man had told us, we arrived at this building, easily enough a widow was open and we snuck in, arriving to Vander's holding area, he looked beat and broken. 

"How did you guys get in here?" Vander questioned.

"There was this window-" Vi started.

" You need to get out now!" Vander yelled but a voice interrupted.

"Welcome..." Silco started, he began to talk but I buzzed out from the conversation, as my mind was focused on a purple substance that I saw in the back, What is that? Out of nowhere my focus came back and saw Vi getting ready to fight a man 3 times the size of her.

"Vi! Stop!" I called out, trying to keep her from breaking herself.

"Don't worry about me Riah. Help Mylo and Claggor!" Vi yelled back, Vi only used my real name when she was either Angry with me or Emotional, But I didn't take time to guess which one it was. I ran over to Mylo and Claggor, As Mylo struggled to pick the locks, I began to help Claggor make a break through for the outside, turning my head once in a while to make sure Vi was okay.

I saw the same golden haired boy Drink that purple liquid I was fixated on earlier. Turning into some monster, stalking towards Vi.

"Vi no!" I shouted running towards her, as the monster picked her up by the throat, I took out one of my knives and slashed his arm. With that he threw Vi Into the room where Vander Just got released. The monster picked me up, as Vi started to stand at the door. Choking me with every inch of his hand, I could barely function, Vi was beaten and bruised and could barely move, I knew there was no way she could handle this without help, Closing my eyes I finally came up with my plan.

"Close the door.." I could barely breathe out. 

"No! I'm coming to get you!" She yelled back.

"Close the Door Violet!" I used all my strength to get out a strong sound. Vi's eyes teared up and Claggor walked up to her, pulling her back and shut the door. The monster landed hits that you could hear from a mile away, finally throwing my soon to be lifeless body across the room to the other side of the building, As the monster walked towards The door a big blue electric wave exploded, sending everyone in every direction. Then It went black. 

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