Part 64

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"Manik,how did you know?" asked Nandini startled

Manik sighed and looked at her "Nandini I know my mother, I can see through her eyes,when is she totally , genuinely happy when she is in self doubt and I know she is not sure about Cabir and Navya."

"Manik,Dadi thinks that Navya is not right for the house and somewhere,Mamma prioritises Cabir over you." told Nandini looking at Manik who had his eyes teared up with just the mention of this. He looked out of the window, hands still entwined with Nandini

Not getting a reply from Manik for over a minute now,Nandini nudged him

"How is Dadi wrong Nandini? Mom is nowhere at fault , I won't blame her , just that somewhere she wanted to prove this to everyone that Cabir is accepted by all of us and that he really is her son, she did prioritize him. Not that I envy Cabir I love him and he deserves all of this ,infact now that I am grown up, I understand but when both of us were children,there were days when I used to cry to sleep but Mom was not there for me , mostly busy with Cabir's homework,his health. She did nothing intentionally but it did happen, still I love her and I know she loves me only that if there would be a choice between me and Cabir, it would be Cabir for her" 

Manik's eyes were all full of tears by now, no one was at fault, not yonika, not Supriya ,not Cabir just that the situations were messed up.

Nandini did not know what to say,she never knew Manik felt left out . She hugged him by his arms and dropped a kiss over his chest to make him feel better.

"Manik,I am here, with you and I am prioritizing no one over you" said Nandini looking at him

Manik kissed over her forehead and continued driving.

This was the first time when Manik let out what he felt to Nandini. All these years,not once,not to anyone did he ever mention that he feels left out by his own mother . Nandini made him do it.


They reached the venue to see media over the gate. Manik parked the car and he was about to get down when Nandini stopped him holding his hand.

Taking out a handkerchief from her bag, "The world should never see my Manik cry, let's let this side of yours be reserved between us." said Nandini wiping the dry tear marks from his face.

Smiling at her,Manik got down and so did Nandini. Fab5,Navya , Naira and Abhimanyu were at the gate waiting for them. 

"Excuse me Mr.Malhotra,Ms.Murthy here" said a media person trying to have some pictures

"Mrs. Malhotra" said Manik smiling towards that person while Nandini smiled at him.


Inside,Nandini met her parents and her brother.

"We missed you baby" said Raman and Ishita hugging her together.

"Nandini, don't even trust them, both of them were out for movie yesterday,bade aaye miss karne wale. No one misses you,not even me." said Abhimanyu hugging her while Nandini spanked his chest muttering a Shut Up.

Everyone was busy . Reception was just for the people who were extended families,professional delegates, for all those who were not a part of the wedding. It was more of a decent function with less enjoyment and just meetings and greetings

"If I can have my wife for a while?" asked Manik approaching to Nandini grabbing her by her waist, who was with some of her fellow doctors.

"All yours now Mr. Malhotra" said one of them followed by the group leaving for dinner while Nandini turned her attention towards Manik.

"Mrs Malhotra is too busy to giver her husband some of her time." said Manik putting his hands in his pocket 

"Or maybe her husband is too busy to give her some time?" said Nandini faking a smile at him which earned her back an even more playful smile from Manik.

"Mind if I have some of my collage friends meeting you?" asked Manik 

"Not at all, please milao" said Nandini . Manik nodded leading her towards two gentlemen standing at a distance with their wives.

"Hello Bhabhi" greeted one of them . "Hi" replied Nandini with a smile.

"I must say but, hame laga nahi tha is Manik ko koi milne wala hai par" making all of them laugh.

"Oh please, I had girls dieing after me back at collage" argued Manik in a duh tone.

"Yeah yeah but none of them were brave enough to put up with you,itne to nakhre hote hai tere" said the other man.

"Nandini, We are getting bored,come with us" said Alya who approached her and passed a smile to others and dragged Nandini literally to others.

"So newly married woman,how is life?" asked Mukti who hugged her

"All well , what about you? Manik told me you were stressed out lately." said Nandini 

Mukti startled for a while but composing herself,she replied " I am okay now"

Nandini observing her discomfort graves the topic. The girls settle down and talk for sometime. They were all trying to make Navya comfortable as clearly she was not.


Cabir and Navya announced there relationship in the party followed by Cabir asking Navya for marriage. People were happy but Nyonika , Raj and Supriya were still not sure while Nandini,did not know why but somewhere she wanted to talk to Nyonika regarding Manik.

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