Part 65

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It had been two weeks today that Manik and Nandini were married. Nandini was at her parents house right now and Manik had to come to pick her up.

Though both of them were happy deep down but remembering what happended the day Nandini had to come to the Murthy house made both of them engulf gloominess.


"Manik,I trust Mamma but not the conditions." said Nandini sitting at the bed

"Nandini we have talked enough over this, no matter whatever you feel, whatever I feel, none of us are going to confront Mom about this." said Manik unintentionally raising his voice.

They were having an argument . Nandini wanted to talk to Nyonika about Manik and Cabir. She wanted to tell her and make her realize that she is somewhere neglecting Manik which is wrong, while Manik did not want his mother to be sad or blame herself. Both of them were right at their places, Nandini wanted things to be okay for Manik, all that she wanted to care about was Manik while Manik wanted to care about everyone but him. He wanted everyone around to be happy even if it means keeping his own self at stake.

"God forbid , kabhi sach me unhe choose karna pada to Manik? What if she  chooses Cabir? Will you be able to handle yourself?" said Nandini trying to make him understand .

"I don't care Nandini. I don't want Mom to blame herself and that's all, I don't care about any other damn thing." said Manik crossing his arms around.

"Manik you know and even I know Mamma needs to know that in becoming a good mother for Cabir, she is not being one to you" said Nandini vulnerably 

By now,Manik had messed up all of his thoughts.

"Nandini,she is my mother and I know she will realize that herself someday. End of conversation." said Manik , clearly indicating he did not wish to talk about that more and went inside the washroom.

"She is your mother. Right, Fine then" said Nandini slowly and barged out of the room.

Manik had yet not realized what he just did and when he came out of the washroom to find the room empty , all he could do was call Nandini immediately only to find her phone ringing in the room itself.

"FUCK" he cursed , throwing  his phone away

It was two  days now and Manik and Nandini had not had a single conversation nor had they seen each other. To Manik's bad luck,Nandini's phone was at the house itself, he did informed her through Nyonika that if she needs the phone,Manik could drop it but Nandini refused saying her professional calls come over a different one which she had with her , and so there was no need for the same.


Today was the day, when they would be seeing each other . Manik was guilty but only, and only for raising his voice at her. He still was standing at his point,not confront Nyonika about neglecting him though things were getting more complicated and he did not even have his dear wife to share things with her. 

Nandini along with Ishita were in the kitchen while Raman and Abhimanyu were out for office already .

"Mom I have decided to resign from the office" informed Nandini to Ishita

Ishita looked at her " Why?"

"No No, don't get it wrong. Actually previously,office needed me only at times of decision making but now implementation and things are getting tough to manage for me. Restaurant can be easily managed from home and focusing on the hospital is what I am putting prior." said Nandini having her coffee.

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