Step five

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Step five: try approaching the cat with food

"Use a spoonful of wet cat food or canned tuna fish and hold it out as you approach it. Call its name or say, "Kitty." If the cat hisses at you, this can mean that the cat is just scared and it needs more time to get comfortable in your presence. Take your time letting the cat feel comfortable eating dry food around you."


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-Y/N. Are you alive? -Yaku asks in a worried tone when your head has been laying on the table for the past ten minutes without moving. He nudges your arm slightly and you let out a small groan.

-She still hasn't moved? -Kenma frowns sitting on your right side while Kuroo takes the spot on your left.

-The last time she was in this state you two played among us till one in the morning in the middle of the school week.- The bedhead points out shooting Kenma a glance.- Did you make her stay up late again? You know she doesn't handle it as well as you.

-Hey, I didn't.- Kozume scoffs.- We hung up around 8 p.m. because someone else was calling her. It's not my fault! -Kenma leans in a little closer almost resting his head on the table too.- Did that unknown caller not let you sleep or something?

-Unknown caller? -Kuroo raises his brows up while a few other teammates join their table.- Why do I not know about this?

-You didn't ask.- both Kenma and you say at the same time although your voice comes out a little muffled. Kai and Yaku can't help but laugh at the scowl on Kuroo's face.

-You're nicer when you're asleep.- he murmurs patting your head.

- So the unknown caller... Who was it? -Yaku asks out of curiosity.

-Lev...- you mumble into your arm, the boys look at each other confused as they didn't understand a word.

-Who? -Yaku leans in to hear you a little better not really caring about the food that's on the table. You mumble the name once again.- Did she say Lev?

-Hey! What did I do this time? -the said boy whines loudly standing with his backpack behind Yaku. His eyes land on your figure slouching in your seat with your hands under your head as Kuroo gently strokes your hair.- Why is kiska laying on the table? -he asks quietly only for him to hear as his brows knit together forming a thin line on his forehead.- Is Y/N-chan not feeling well today?

He takes his seat right next to Yaku and in front of you, you don't raise your head up for the next minute even though you feel him burning a hole in your head with his eyes. He looks at you worriedly when you don't say a word even to greet him.

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