Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
"We Have A Problem"

After a while of walking the group figured they were far enough away from the minators to be able to set up camp for the night. Luckily they had found their supplies outside the temple so they took those back and got as far away as they could. Meela of corse put up the tents but Bartimus tried to help but if code he got stuck in the tent yet again.

Meela had to pull the tent off of him and then she finished putting all the tents up. As soon as her tent was up Laura went right into her tent and closed it up. To the others she just looked tired but it was much more than that. The boys went to go get water and Meela started the fire and cooked up a few squirrels she had managed to catch. After she had gotten the fire and the squirrels cooking she walked over to Laura's tent and stood outside.

"Hey, Laura do you want me to save you something to eat? Meela asked in a soft voice. She waited a few moments and when she didn't hear an answer she slowly and quietly opened the tent door to check on her,"Laura?" She asks again softly until she was able to fully see inside the tent and she saw Laura was unconscious laying in her stomach with a huge gash on her back that looked to be infected and her wrists were also like that.

Meela shook Laura to try and get her to wake up but all she got was a groan of pain that slipped from Laura's lips. Meela got really worried and ran out of the tent and was thankful that she saw the guys coming back.

She quickly ran towards them and they looked at her confused."What's wrong Meela?" Bartimus asked looking at her."Yeah is something wrong?" Cassiel and Camden both ask.

Meela took a deep breath then looked at them."It's Laura. She has a few wounds that are infected and she's unconscious." Meela said with worry in her voice about laura.

Her words made Camden and Cassiel flinch with fear of what was to happen to Laura."I know how to get rid of the infection but we don't have much time. I need two of you to go get a list of ingredients that I will make." Meela instructs and looks at them."Why don't you just go and find them yourself?" Bartimus asked.

"Because I have to stay with Laura and make sure she doesn't get worse." She explains simply and looks at them."Well come on I need two of you to volunteer or I'm picking people we don't have much time!"

Meela said a bit louder at them and the three of them looked at each other. They knew who it had to be."I will go." Camden and Cassiel both said at the same time but this time they wouldn't let it bother them because it wasn't important at the moment.

She nodded."Alright." She quickly ran back to the camp and quickly gabbed a piece of paper and drew pictures and instructions on the paper and ran back and handed it to them."Here. This is a list of the ingredients and I drew pictures so you know what they look like."

Cassiel took the paper and looked at it then at Meela."We will be back as soon as we can." He says then looks at Camden who nods at Cassiel and looks at Meela."Keep her safe." Camden say in a soft voice and Meela nodded.

"I'll do my best." she says truthfully and Cassiel and Camden looked at each other before they ran fast into the forest and began their search for the ingredients.

Meela walked back to Laura and Bartimus followed."Is there anything I can help with?." He asked not sure of what to do."Yes could you boil some water and put a piece of cloth in it so I can put it on her head?" She asked him and he nodded."Coming right up."

As he did that Meela went back into Laura's tent and looked at her worriedly as she moved hair from out of Laura's face."Don't worry laura, we won't let anything happen to you. I promise." Meela's words were filled with truth.

She wasn't going to let anything happen to Laura.
Camden and Cassiel looked everywhere for all the ingredients as fast as they could because they both didn't want anything to happen to Laura.

Neither of them liked the fact that they had to work together but they didn't really care because as long as it helped Laura they didn't let it bother them.

That was the one thing they had in common. They both loved Laura even though Cassiel wouldn't say it out loud, Camden and Meela could tell.

They ran all over and kept looking at the paper Meela have them to see what they needed and they checked off what they had so they would have less every time.

As soon as they were done they looked at each other then headed back to the camp.
While they were out Meela had put the warm water filled cloth on Laura's forehead because she had gotten a fever and groaned more in pain every so often which made Meela's worry grow.

She covered Laura's wounds so they wouldn't get even more infected until Camden and Cassiel would get back.

Meela sat outside the tent and looked around the tree line as she waited for Cassiel and Camden's return.

After about ten minutes of waiting they returned and ran right up to Meela."How is she?" Camden asked and Meela sighed."She's not doing to well but hopefully I can get the infection out before its to late." As she spoke Camden and Cassiel's worry grew more and more and it was evident in their faces.

Meela took the ingredients and grabbed a stirring bowl from inside her bag and mixed up all the plants while mumbling something under her breath.

Camden and Cassiel paced back and forth impatiently and worriedly. Bartimus say staring into the fire not sure of what to do. After she was done Meela went into Laura's tent and zipped up the entrance as she got to work in Laura's wounds.

After a couple agonizing hours for Camden and Cassiel of hearing Laura's pain filled screams. Which made Camden and Cassiel go a little nuts. There was silence in the forest which made their worry grow even more.

Meela finally came out from the cave holding the bowl that had the herbs in it before and let out an exhausted sigh. Camden and Cassiel ran up to her.

They both asked at the same time."How is she?" In complete worry filled voices. She gave them a faint smile before saying."Shes going to be just fine. I managed to get all the infection out before it was to late. However she's going to be in pain for a couple days so until then we have to stay here." She informed them and they both breathed out in relief.

"Allow her to rest for the night and I'll check on her wounds in the morning. Goodnight guys." she nods at them before going into her tent for the night.

Camden and Cassiel smile at her and they both stay up for the night to watch the camp as Bartimus went to sleep. They still hated each other but were grateful to one another for caring about laura enough to not want anything to happen to her. For that is the only thing hey have in common, Laura.

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