Vol 2 Prologue: Miku's Monologue

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It's been more than a year since I have seen him! I can't believe we go to the same school.

Although it sucks that we didn't get put in the same class. Knowing that I will be competing against Aki is a bit unsettling. But I won't back down.

I have wanted to see him for such a long time! Eversince he moved away, I had been so sad!

But now he is here!

His mother was a close friend of our mother before she...died. So we have been playing with eachother since childhood. When our mother passed away, he was always there for us and conforted us. He was different from our father...who mostly used money to help us.

We were rich and lived a comfortable life. But it felt empty. Only Aki was there to ease the emptiness and was there for all of us when we needed him. Even though he is a big idiot.

But...still...the thought him and me becoming enemies is still a little uncomfortable. His class has already gotten ahead of ours and I am sure Ichinose, Kanzaki and Aika will be getting ready to fight against them...

Eitherway, I won't give up! I will fight Hirano head on if I have to continue to support my class!

And then maybe someday, I can tell him....how I feel...

But how am I supposed to do that!


I walked around the shopping mall thinking about how to confess.

He is a weird person when it comes to love. Sometimes he is a dense idiot and other times he is a shy boy with the lowest self-esteem.

It's not that he is just some dense and ignorant guy. He understands other people's feelings towards him really well. But the problem is, he refuses the thought of someone having feelings towards him as a member of the opposite sex.

I don't know what to do...

I suddenly felt a presence behind me. However when I turned around, I only saw many other students walking around and visiting various shops.

"Hmm... how odd... I am sure I felt that someone was watching me..."

Anxiety started filling my heart.

I have to be wrong right? I mean, there is no way someone is stalking me. Right?

I quickened my steps. However, the feeling of being watched started swirling inside of me again. But I couldn't find anyone watching me.

"There are too many people and too many places to hide..."

I hope that this is just me being paranoid and no actual stalker is watching me.

I walked further away and ran into someone I didn't expect.


"Miku? Why are you in such a hurry?" She looked concerned.

"I-I...Umm...Don't worry about it." I said that after glancing behind me. I can't feel anyone following me anymore.

I am not that social like my sisters. So when someone is looking at me specifically, I can sometimes tell that they are looking at me. It gives me this uncomfortable feeling.

"Don't worry Ichinose. Are you out shopping today?"

"Yup. Also I wanted to ask you. Have you been to the fortune teller?"

"T-The fortune teller?"

"Yup. I have heard of there being one here today! They are two floors above us. You should check it out! I wasn't able to go since I plan to meet Chihiro and the others soon. But you should head there and check it out!" She seemed pretty excited.

"O-Okay. I will go check." I can't say that I am not curious.

I went up from the elevator and towards the fortune teller.

"There seems to be a line here."

How odd? Why are there only a male and female pairs visiting.

I looked at the nearby sign. It read "Couples only".

"Oh I guess I can't enter."

As soon as I was about to leave, I bumped into someone I didn't expect.

Hirano pov:-

I was walking round the Keyaki Mall. My physical training is going well but also very tiring. Albert and Ishizaki had me woken up by 6PM and then had me excersize like crazy.

Albert took care of my fitness and Ishizaki took care of my combat practice. The guy can really throw a mean punch. No wonder he was a big delinquent back in his middle school.

As for Kito. Sakayanagi got me acquainted with him and he offered to teach me martial arts during the evening. Fortunately, he knew taekwondo. So I am not learning anything new, but I am improving what I already know. And the guy is extremely good at it too! I am learning  alot!

As for my academics, Hiyori offered to tutor me. We study together everyday. It's not because I want to get close to her and make my moves on her. Even though she is cute as hell. I genuinely want to get better scores. Even if it means doing something I hate. Studying.

Afterall, I witnessed this school's "special exams". I need to not only improve my status in class. But also in academics and physical ability if I have to survive here.

Afterall, I don't want to be thrown out of such a fun school!

Speaking of being "thrown out". I still have no idea about who called me during my time on the ship. I just hope it isn't anything serious. I can ignore it for now.

Since today is my day off from training and studying, I decide to go to the mall. As I was walking around. I bumped into a familiar face.


"Umm...Hirano? W-What are you doing here?"

Her face seems awfully red. Has she been in the sun for too long?

"I just came here for a stroll. Are you okay? What were you looking at?"

I looked behind her.

"Fortune T-Telling?" I asked.

"Well umm...Yes. I wanted to go, But it's for couples only." She replied.

"Well let's go together!" I said.

Miku stepped back a little. "W-Wah?"

"I mean. I am also interested in fortune telling and you also want to see it. So we can pretend and go together!"

"I-I...umm...Okay."( Doesn't he realize what he is saying?! Oh...wait. Ofcourse he doesn't. He probably views at as just friends...)

"Great! Let's go!" I grabbed her hand walked towards the line.

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