Baths and Apologies

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can y'all start making fun of the story PLEASE i'm begging it's so funny and i need to be humbled
cw: sh
"Slowly, Bruno." you whispered, helping him into the tub. His body was shaky and tired, his arms and legs sore. He could barely walk. All that you could do was hold his arm and help support his weight as you lowered him into the bathtub. He sank into the water, hissing when it touched his wounds. It wasn't deep but the water still burned his cuts.

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before you reached up to touch his curls. They were tangled up and still had sand in them.

"I'll have to do something with your hair later tonight." you told him softly, watching as he relaxed. His eyes drifted shut and he leaned forward into your hands. You smiled at him sadly. "How are you feeling?" you asked quietly.

"Like shit." he answered shortly, not moving an inch away from you. You frowned.

You sighed, nodding silently. You grabbed a bucket and poured some water onto his hair as he gasped, water pouring down his face. You chuckled and wiped his face.

"My hair isn't thin, viejo. It'll take more water than th-"

You dumped more water on his hair, smiling. He wiped his face with his hands.

"Still not damp."

You continued to dump water onto his hair until it was soaking wet, putting down the bucket and grabbing a brush and some soap.

"I'm gonna try to untangle this mess, ok?" you whispered to him softly, sitting beside him. He nodded silently, laying his head against your shoulder. You combed his hair for a few minutes in silence before you put the brush aside and used your fingers to gently pull his hair out of its messy state. He hummed quietly at the sensation. You couldn't help but smile to yourself.

After a while of preening with his hair, you finally got it all untangled, freely running your hands through his locks. You grabbed the soap and began to wash his hair. You were sure he had fallen asleep on your shoulder by now, and you were happy he was sleeping so peacefully. You smiled as you massaged the shampoo and conditioner into his hair, letting his head fall forward and relax into you a little, "This feels nice." he mumbled quietly, nuzzling his face closer into your neck.

"Jesus, I thought you were asleep." you gasped quietly, stopping the massage momentarily.

"You smell good." he said quietly, closing his eyes.

"I would hope so." you murmured, running your fingers through his hair again before continuing.

"Did you miss me...?" he asked quietly after a few seconds of silence. You sputtered and lifted his head.

"Of course I did? Why would you ever think I didn't? I wished every day for you to come back to us, hijueputa." you whispered, teasing him slightly. He smiled up at you.

You continued to run your hands through his hair. He sighed and closed his eyes again. "When I came back, you were mad. We had our fight, then another fight, and then another fight." he explained, "That's why. I thought you had moved on, or maybe you didn't want anything to do with me."

"I know I was an ass, I know, but I never truly hated you. Of course, I held a grudge, but it was only because I was an idiot." you said, looking away, "And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for acting that way. Can we.. can we start over?"
"Yeah." he breathed out, his head falling against your shoulder. You hugged him tightly over the tub's side, smiling. He pulled you closer to him.

"Don't even try to get me in that water." you whispered as he chuckled lightly. "I'll kick you."

"I won't, I won't."

"Can I clean your face?"

"You don't have to ask." Bruno said gruffly, his voice raspy. You sighed and grabbed the cloth from next to the sink. You dabbed it onto his forehead and moved it to the side, letting it soak some more.

"Viejo gruñón." you teased, washing his face thoroughly. His eyes fluttered open to watch you.

"Don't forget that you're only 5 years younger than me, [name]." he replied in a joking manner, "and stop calling me viejo, I'm only 50."

"Okay, grumpy old man." you giggled lightly.

"I am not grumpy." he protested lightly, closing his eyes, "Just... tired."
You finished cleaning his face and moved to his neck and shoulders.

"Go ahead and clean the rest of your body, mi corazón." you said, standing up to get a towel. He nodded.
After Bruno got cleaned and dry, he stepped out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. You followed him out of the bathroom, carefully holding his dirty clothes as you threw them in a basket.

"Get some pants on and then come over here, I need to bandage up your scars." you told him, grabbing bandages and sitting on your bed.
Bruno hesitated but complied, doing so and then sitting by you. His body shook from anxiousness. You worked quietly, careful to wrap as much gauze around his skin as you possibly could without tearing any new wounds. When you were done wrapping his hands stopped shaking and his breathing evened out, although he still sat there silently.

"I've got you. It's alright. It's done now, ok?" you said, hugging him. He nodded, still shaken. You smiled and combed your hands through his hair.

"Thank you." he whispered. You smiled again.
"Of course."

He looked down and fiddled with his hands. You noticed he was trying hard not to cry and pulled him into a hug. He buried his head into your shoulder and let out a shaky breath.

"Oh, come here." you whispered, pulling him down onto the bed with you.

"I missed you." he muttered, wrapping his arms around you. You rested your hand on his cheek.

"I missed you too. I thought about you nonstop." you replied in a hushed voice.

You both held each other for a few minutes before you got up.

"Where are you going?" Bruno asked, his voice muffled by the pillows.

"Just blowing out the candles." you said, blowing them out one by one and hurrying back to bed, "Now hurry up and go to sleep."

He nodded, and before you knew it, you were both asleep.

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