1. How It All Started

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It's Friday today. As I said before, I'm in Hurghada, and it's burning outside. I never was a sun lover; school's always when the sun is up. Anyway, I'm a night person, most of the week.

"Why don't you have a walk on the beach, these are the last two days of our stay here," dad said, interrupting my pleasant thoughts.

"But, I don't like the sun and it's as hot as hell out there!" I protested.

But, as usual, I failed.

"Put your sunglasses on and your hat, then you won't have to face the sun," dad smiled, like he always does.

"But, dad..."

"Sara, come on. Enjoy life when you're still young and reckless."

What a motivation. 'Young and reckless!'

I didn't argue with him furthermore, I knew there was no way that he'll change his mind.

So, I simply put on my sunglasses and hat and went to wander at the beach.

---The Beach---

I was peacefully sitting on the hot, hellish sand while reading my magazine. It was about some award winning Korean photographer. His name is some sort of a secret that won't be revealed until the end of the article, which was on the next page.

I've been trying to read as fast as possible to reach his name when someone poked my shoulder, twice.

"Excuse me, miss," the person standing in front of me said.

I stood up to be at the same height as that guy. He had Asian eyes, yellow hair, brown at the bases, and he was taller than me by half a centimetre or something.

"How can I help you?" I asked. Really formal, aren't I.

"I was wondering if you could help me in something."


"Oh, yeah. I'm a photographer and I want to take some pictures of the sea and a new clothing line."

"So, what can I do to help?" I said in a friendly way.

"The model's flight from Korea got canceled, so I was wondering if you can model for me instead."

"Model? Why me?" I was caught off guard. I thought that he would ask me to get him the clothes or something, but modelling, I never saw that coming.

"Well, don't get me wrong, but you are fit and have a slim model's-body. And, you're the only Korean here."

"There are a lot of slim girls here, why must it be a Korean?"

"It's a Korean magazine and a Korean company, the model must be Korean"

"I can call my sister. She is Korean and she loves the spotlights and everything."

"I'm sorry, miss, but the designer asked for you personally."

"The... Designer?"

"Yes, miss."


"She told me not to tell you until the end of the photoshoot."


I didn't agree because I wanted to model, but because I wanted to fulfil my curiosity of knowing who was the designer and why she asked for me by name.

---First Outfit---

The first outfit was a tall off-white dress, with long sleeves, it looked like a ghost's dress.

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