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"Robby cheated on her with Tory" Eli said as I hug more into him
"It's okay, it's okay."

They take me back to my real home

"I'm sorry I only did it cuz of Robby but I'm not with him anymore not after tonight."
"It's okay honey, what happened with Robby?"
"He cheated on me."
"I'm sorry honey."
"I love you daddy." I run and hug him, he hugs me back
"I love you too honey."
"Hey daddy."
"Is it possible for me to join miyagi-do?" He smiles really wide
"Of course honey. I always wanted you to take it over when I pass." I hug him tighter
"You're not leaving me." He laughs
"Don't worry honey. Not for a while."

Daisy LaRusso-Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now