{001} Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

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A group of seventh year Gryffindors were sitting around the fire in their common room

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A group of seventh year Gryffindors were sitting around the fire in their common room. They were happily chatting to each other when suddenly a young woman with  purple hair appeared in front of them. They ceased talking immediately and stared at the unknown figure in front of them.

The woman turned around to face them. For a while she just stared at them. Like she couldn't comprehend seeing them. But then a large smile lit up on her face.

"Ah, I see it worked."

"Sorry, who are you?" Asked a young man with scars on his face.

"You can call me Hope," she answered.

"Now, if you could all follow me to Professor Dumbledore's office, I believe he is waiting for us."

The woman, Hope, moved away from the fire and made her way towards the exit of the common room, as if she had been there before. None of the Gryffindors moved at first, but soon scrambled out of their seats to follow her. They couldn't keep their curiosity at bay.

They walked behind the woman and observed her while doing so. She seemed extremely confident on comfortable with her surroundings. They were certain that she had been at Hogwarts before. She didn't look much older than them, maybe only one or two years. And she was wearing clothes they had never seen before. Those were definitely not in fashion in the 70s.

When they reached Dumbledore's office, the Gryffindors were surprised to see it open. They all followed the woman inside.

When they looked around they saw couches and armchairs set in the middle of the room in a circle. A few of those were already occupied.

In one of the chairs was sitting their Headmaster and on either side of him Hagrid and their Transfiguration Professor. The former looked calm and greeted the purple-haired woman with a smile, while the latter was cautious.

Next to her were sitting two Slytherins, Severus Snape and Regulus Black. A few of the Gryffindors sneered, seeing them.

But most surprising for them was to see Narcissa Malfoy sitting on a chair between McGonagall and Snape. And Arthur and Molly Weasley beside Hagrid. The rest were either staff or students, but Narcissa and the Weasley couple? It was all incredibly confusing.

Hope sat down on an armchair next to Regulus, sensing that none of the Gryffindors were too fond of the idea of sitting next to the Slytherins.

Now that there was a barrier the Gryffindors sat down as well.

Next to Hope was lounging Sirius Black. To his left were James Potter and Lily Evans who had recently gotten together, much to the happiness of James and the relief of his friends. Next to Lily was sitting Peter Pettigrew and next to him was Remus Lupin. On another couch were sitting Frank Longbottom, Alice Fortescue, Marlene McKinnon and Dorcas Meadows.

They sat there for a while, all looking at the purple haired woman who kept her gaze on the door. It opened only moments later to reveal a very confused girl in Ravenclaw robes.

"Miss Altergott, please, have a seat," Professor Dumbledore told her.

The only open spot was in between Regulus and Severus. She didn't seem to keen on sitting there, but she didn't want to keep the others waiting for...whatever they were there for. She gave Regulus a small smile as she sat, they boy giving her one back.

"Well, now that you're all here I guess we can start," Hope said.

"As I already told a few of you, you can call me Hope. Now what I'm going to say next is probably going to surprise you. I'm from the future."

The room was filled with shocked faces. Of course time travel was possible, but they all knew the dangers of meddling with time.

"I'm here to change that future for the better. And I'm going to do it by reading you a series of books. But I must warn you that there are a lot of secrets that will be revealed about people in this room. Some of those secrets might already be known to a few of you, some might not, and if everything goes well, won't ever become secrets."

That made a few of the people in the Headmasters office worried. What if their secrets would be the ones revealed?

"Any questions?" She asked with a smile.

No one could come up with any at the moment and so Hope took a book out of her bag to read to them.

"These books are quite long, so we'll make some breaks in between."

"And I feel that I have to tell you this, these books won't be happy. Unfortunately not many of you will have a good ending in these."

That gave the whole room a somber feeling.

"And on with the first book."

Before Hope could start reading Dumbledore interrupted her.

"What is the book called, may I ask?"

"Oh, yes, you would want to know that. It's called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone."

James made a surprised face at the last name.

"Are they related to me?" He asked.

"Yes, James, they're your son."

Once again the people in the room where shocked, but not because of the knowledge that James' son would be the main character, but more at the fact Hope had known his name without asking for it.

And before anyone could ask anything else, the woman began with the first chapter.

Rosamund Pike as Hope

Maggie Smith as Minerva 'Minnie' McGonagall
Robbie Coltrane as Rubeus Hagrid
Richard Harris as Albus Dumbledore

Sarah Gadon as Narcissa Malfoy
Jane Levy as Molly Weasley
Caleb Landry Jones as Arthur Weasley

Louis Garrell as Severus Snape
Timothée Chalamet as Regulus Black
Cate Blanchett as Elke Altergott
Aaron Taylor-Johnson as James Potter
Ben Barnes as Sirius Black
Andrew Garfield as Remus Lupin
Jeremy Dozier as Peter Pettigrew
Karen Gillan as Lily Evans
Saoirse Ronan as Marlene McKinnon
Lovie Oppong as Dorcas Meadowes
Carey Mulligan as Alice Fortescue
Jim Sturgess as Frank Longbottom

Crystal Reed as Adhafera Lestrange
Tuppence Middleton as Chara Black
Linda Louise Duan as Aretha McKinnon

The rest of the Harry Potter cast as their respective characters

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