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💐amnesiac beat💐
💐love my forced husband💐


though not willing but gulf  showed his eagerness to attend online courses to complete his graduation. life in house was quite on track.
tharn beside mew yibo was attending the offices look after the matters
. saint zee was on honey moon . where as zhan type was at home taking
care of home and the residents . in short , the life in Watson pruk
mansion was presenting the view of heaven . gulf just ended his class . switch off the laptop and placed his head on table. from last days ,he was  caught in words said to mew on wedding celebration of saint
zee. fighting with mind heart whether he should say or not . “what if
he really choose someone and “gulf stopped . “and you keep wait for his soft confession” mind  chuckled. “who is waiting for him”. gulf denied. “ seriously “heart mocked. “ brain , see our baby gulf is denying that he waits for mew . hiding the truth from all that he can now use his feet to stroll just why because he want to give this biggest news to mew first .” “you don’t love him , doesn’t need him
then tell the family that you are fine. even you threat therapist not
to disclose the news.” brain tried to tease him . “get lost don’t play
with my emotions” gulf scolded . the door opened, Zhan with coffee
mugs came but was stuttered on listening the word emotions. gulf
lifted his head saw Zahn then lazily placed back . “what is problem
with your emotions” . zhan ignited gulf. “nothing” one word reply
.”getting arrogant”. zhan commented. “ listen zhan yibo , you are free
from attending long lectures , making assignments, exams, so you are
chirping like swan , swimming like dolphin , shining like  firework
but you all put me in this kiln. without my eagerness. it Is called
playing with emotion . eavesdropping is illegal . billion dollars sue
can be sent to you”. zhan sighedwith thought baby penguin is in love
but denying click his tongue walked to the door , then said “sue me my
hubby yibo and brother mew will pay” Zhan winked .Zhan disappeared .
gulf glared the closed door as if it was Zhan . “yeah thy only see
you” gulf was frustrated . suddenly smile sparkled the face of gulf
.”you have only few days better take this opportunity meanwhile saint
zee will be back” heart whispered .


yibo was standing in the studio seeing some shoot when mew appeared on
his side praised the model. yibo smiled “so take her on date
“whispered . “I have no objection but I still want to see babies.”
then grabbed his hand and left the studio, went in the café and
ordered some coffee with snacks . then in side  from his pocket took
the envelope and placed in front of yibo . “what is it “yibo though
saw the printed monogram but wanted to listen from mew. Meanwhile they
were served. “Letter from song group , from song joonki group they
want to collaborate with us want to step in as our subsidiary though
their offer is lucrative but honestly I don’t want him around us
anymore . I don’t want that the moments which we all hardly forget ,
stick with us.” mew ended.  “emotions and business are two different
things . there was time when Watson pruks had sovereignty and still we
own big portion but trend and taste of customer also demand some
cheesy different which kneel them so it is business take it as
professional magnate man . if he want us to help him in return we can
also use him to make our weak areas strong. Its all beneficial. but do
check and confirm that his team shouldn’t involved in illegal acts
before signing any agreement active your spies investigate his
business inner world.” yibo said and sipped his coffee. “then mew took
out card from big envelope . it was wedding card. “what the heck, mew
why don’t you disclose all at once . you are acting as I am a girl and
you are disclosing my hidden dirty secrets in front of me .wedding
invitation” yibo opened the card . “ songjoonki with jeon ye been” its
good that he finally got someone who ensure him life love. then where
is problem”.but before mew replied , yibo got the answer , mewgulf was
invited to attend the wedding ceremony. inserted card in brown envelop
, sat with arms wrapped on his chest , tried to calculate the inners
thoughts of mew . eyes of yibo was judging mew anxiety . the staff who
was surprised to see their young presidents in café . security officer
Zhao successfully keep the two undisturbed from staff humming. “what I
understand wolf isn’t in mood to welcome the opponent .fine. perhaps I
may not suffer from that heart pain from which you suffer so that your
hesitation is genuine . it is also unfair to gulf as well. send them
some wedding gift apologize for not attending wedding but about
business give it a thought.” yibo winked. “so how you think to propose
gulf” yibo suddenly asked. “ why you all are so interested in us. feel
jealous that we are single, enjoying our time , unlike you who ahs to
comfort baby and babe . getting late. going.see you at dinner.” mew
almost ran outside the café just to escape from yibo or from his heart
beat which always hum name of gulf.

🎄love my forced husband🎄 🎄mewgulf/tharntype🐢complete🎄 by🎄 k.bunny🎄Where stories live. Discover now