Are they here?

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"This is not a test. This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning until 7 a.m., when The Purge concludes. Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn. May God be with you all." The announcement echoed through the now deserted city. The words, one by one, bounced off walls and windows, streets and alleyways. Rats, scattered here and there making the occasional sound of running feet and chattering teeth. In rest it was silent.

The intersection lights have stopped working by now. Streetlights flickered, and darkness everywhere. "Meadow go check on the cookies, will you?" my mom called in a hurried voice. I slowly walked to the kitchen, following the sweet scent of chocolate chip cookies. As I was getting the cookies out of the oven, I heard a noise, and not just any noise. They were gun shots. "Mom, where are you?" I screamed. Silence. I gingerly walked around the house being careful not to make a sound. With my heart clinging in my teeth, I turned the corner on my mom's hallway. Her room was pretty much dark except for a small glimmer near her now barricaded window.

As I walked in I saw her laying on the floor barely breathing her eyes wide with consternation. "Mom!" I yelled again, this time even louder than before. Her head, slowly turning towards me, made a motion to come closer. I hastily headed in her direction while trying to figure out in my mind what in the world had happened. As I was hovering over my mom's still body she roughly whispered, "Meadow, go in the kitchen and in the drawer above the sink there is a gun. I want you to go take that gun, get your sister from her room and head to the library. You know what to when you get there." Her voice was once again running away, and almost for good. I was crying by this point in time, but I decided to not ask any questions. Just as I was about to leave her room, a whisper barely recognisable said, "They're here". It was my mother.

I ran to the kitchen, got the gun and hustled to my sister's room. I delicately picked her up and fast walked to the library. Our massive mahogany library stood strong and tall in the corner of the room. My mom is an architect you see. She designed this whole house just for this purpose. When the time will come. And the time was now. The closer I got to the now ancient books, I started comprehending the seriousness of the situation that was unfolding right under my nose. They are here. They are actually here. I heard of a couple of cases up in the North East, not very serious but enough to make the news. I knew it was spreading, but not this fast.

Tonight is the Purge, we can't have them walking the streets. They will get everyone infected which would become matter of national security. But then I guess this is one of the major reasons why they created the Purge. February 21, 2016 our New Founding Fathers made the Purge official. It is now February 21, 2018, 2 years since the Purge has been active. In those 2 years we have had a start of global warming, world wide disease, and unstable climate. Our attempts to colonize mars epicly failed due to the fact that most humans could not take the pressure of leaving Earth and go to a neighboring planet. All attempts stopped in the summer of 2015 and all hopes lost by 2016. To keep their schedule occupied the government, taking notice in the diseases that were plaguing the United States, decided to have some fun with it. They created the Purge.

By now my groggy sister started mumbling something about chocolate chip cookies and our mom needing to get mechanical pencils for school. I didn't have time to explain to an 8 year old in what situation we were in, so I just decided to ignore her and try to do what my mom told me that I had to do. I found it. The small bump in the back of the 3rd shelf was all I needed. I pressed it 3 times short, 3 times long, and 3 times short. Morse code for S.O.S. A small door in the back of our library silently opened. I pushed my sister my in with the gun and the extra bullets. In the act of doing that, the front door slammed open, gun shots were fired, glass was broken and men were shouting. Before my sister could scream I rapidly put my hand on her mouth and motioned her to keep her mouth shut. When I knew for sure she wouldn't scream bloody murder, I let go of her and tried to shut the door behind us. One small problem. As I was shoving Christine, my sister, in the opening in our wall one of the books got stuck underneath the stainless steel door. "Darn it!", I mumbled to myself. Steps could be heard in the distance, coming closer as every second dragged on counting our last minutes of freedom and innocence. Repulsive laughter caught my hearing, like a laughing clown catches a frightened child's attention on halloween night. The man was in the doorway staring intently into the room. Thank God it was dark or otherwise we would have been noticed a lot sooner. He lazily entered the room, step by step deeper in the darkness. I was getting the door loose by now. I got it. Just I was about to close it a calm but evil filled voice duly stated, "That door will not hold you for long my dear one". And I closed the door.

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