°someone new

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Once I got home, I had a very strange feeling. "What if Marry and Harry are really together? Or am I just being paranoid? Why would I even care..." Nothing is feeling right in these times. I sat to the table and started thinking.. Then I picked up some books from my bag and I started doing my homework. I still couln't stop thinking about Marry and Harry. "Do I like Harry? Or what's the actual problem.. What's wrong with me..". Once I was finally done with my homework, I was about to go outside. I dressed into something more comfortable. Then I put my hoodie on when-

 "Where are you going?" My Mom asked me. "Outside, with friend" I said. "What friend?" My mom asked. "Umm Marry" I replied while opening the door. I ran away from our house and covered my head with a cap. "Marry" Mom whispered to herself while closing the door.

I kept going while looking at the ground. Ofc I'm not going out with Marry. I need some space to think..I went to a shop. I found an alcohol...I don't use to drink alcohol. So I grabbed one and went to buy it. But there was one small problem...

"Give me your ID" the person said. "Umm...well it's not for me, I'm buying it for my family" I replied. "Do I look like Dom Toretto to you?". I was so confused-. "No you don't" I answered. "Give your ID then" she replied. "Okay fine, I'm a minor" I said. "Then get out" she said.

I rolled my eyes and went out of the store. When there was some boy running to me. I ran faster when he started to scream "stop" and "wait". But he was faster. He came to me and gave me an alcoholic drink. I was confused even more. He bough that for me ig..

"Thank you?" I said. "No problem, but you're not gonna drink that, are you?" He replied. "Not yet" I answered. "How old are you?" He asked. "how old are YOU?" I asked back. "18, and you?" he said. "Well...I'm 17" I replied. "That's fine. Btw I'm Nate" he said with a little smile. "Nice to meet you, I'm Deena" I said. "Nice to meet you too, Deena". 

We both smiled. He looked nice. I wonder what is he doing here all alone. We started talking about some things about our lifes. We both have got very interesting lifes. I gave him my phone number and he said he'll text me tonight. I'm so glad to have a new friend. Well, maybe he'll be the one. I don't know..


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm getting tired, that's why it's kinda short chapter. And happy new year btw !! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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