Family Breakfast

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I was meaning to write this on New Year's Eve. So here we are.


Molly hated New Years more then anything. Whenever New Year's Eve comes around after Christmas Molly would try to reinforce the house she lived in with her family. To be embarrassed, Molly lived in her daughter and son-in-law's house with their children and soon her two sons moved in. Normally, when New Year's Eve comes around and someone wanted to throw a party. Molly would have her beloved shotgun Betsy and shoot into the ceiling while yelling insults at them. Now this is going to be the worst night of her life as she's about to be in the house while her sons, daughter, and son-in-law host a New Year's Eve Party.

Happy Molly Year

It was peaceful in the Grimes-Dixon household. Karen was happily talking with Judith what she would like to do that day. As they were talking, their mother Cynthia Grimes nee Dixon was making breakfast. "I hope you two don't go out for candy or cakes. Because if that happens there will be no dessert tonight and you will go straight to bed before the party starts." Cynthia said as she turned the pancakes over. It was risking throwing a party with her mother around. It was New Year's Eve. The worst night of the year in Molly Dixon's mind. Whenever New Years comes around Molly would be ready to yell insults and shoot Betsy in the ceiling. Last year someone almost got sent to the hospital after Molly shot Betsy at them and to make matters worse, Molly was arrested and spent the whole night in jail singing insults about New Years and New Year's Eves. She drove everyone crazy. Rick Grimes got out the next day while he was taking Judith to school. "Don't say that. Mom is awake now and is getting ready. Besides, she'll be yelling at us and barricade all the doors and windows and guard the house with Betsy." Daryl said walking into the kitchen hoping there would be no holes in the ceiling that morning.

Molly Dixon was in a bad mood. New Year's Eve was here and that means more bullets for Betsy, more insults to yell, and more parties to glare at. After she was dressed, she saw her son-in-law walk out of his room and down the stairs for breakfast. She looked at her clock and saw the time. 8:09 am. Molly signed and walked out of her room with Betsy on her shoulder. By the time she got to the kitchen, breakfast was ready and everyone was at the table. "Good morning everyone." She said as she walked to the table and fixed herself some coffee and a plate of pancakes and eggs. Judith smiled brightly. "Good morning grandma. How did you sleep last night?" Molly gave her a warm smile. "I slept good Judy. I hope you did too." She said to her granddaughter. Everyone smiled at seeing Molly in a good mood. It was good talk at the table and everyone helped each other with cleaning up the kitchen. It was all going well until Rose asked. "Are you excited for the New Year's Eve party tonight Judith?" Everyone stopped at the question. Molly slowly turned her head when she heard that. That was when she yelled. "WHAT!"


That's chapter one. This is going to be a short story. Getting ready for some Molly Mayhem

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