Chapter one

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(the day Jolie died)

Edaline POV

Something wasn't right. I was talking to Jolie, my daughter, and I could tell something was on her mind. Then again, she did have a lot on her plate at the moment.

She had fallen for Brant, her friend since childhood. However, she was a conjuror, and he was talent-less. Grady and I didn't mind, we wanted her to be happy. But we knew her heart had broken when she picked up her fifth and final list and his name wasn't on it. 

At least her and Brant were doing well. Better then well. I've had my hands full wedding planning, as well as checking in on Jolie, who is 8 and a half months pregnant. We had all been shocked when Jolie and Brant told us the news, but Grady and I were overjoyed. Well, Grady still doesn't like the fact that Jolie is getting married. 

But Grady will be Grady. I'm jerked back to the present as Jolie wrings her hands. She's seemed... off today. Jolie light-leaped here in a state of panic. I still didn't know why. She just kept whispering "why" under her breath.

Now I was sitting opposite her, mugs of cinnacream in front of us. Jolie had calmed down, but wouldn't tell me what the problem was.

"Is everything alright?" I ask again. She nods. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just feeling a bit sick today." She says. I'm not an empath, but I can tell when my daughter is lying to my face. "If you're sure." I say. 

Jolie POV

My Mum is worried about me. I can tell. But I have far bigger problems right now. Ever since what happened last night, I'd been unsure of what to do. I should have talked to him last night, I think. I put the conversation off. Brant doesn't know I'm onto him.

I sigh. I need to talk to him. And I don't see how sitting in my parents house for the last two hours is meant to help. I stand up. My Mum looks at me, question in her eyes. 

"Where are you going?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. "Just remembered I have to do something at home." I said. "Okay then." Mum says.  I make my way upstairs to the leapmaster, and cast a beam for home.

I'm not sure if it's the baby or nervousness causing the nausea I feel as I step into the light.

Bran tis waiting for me when I leap home. I can tell he doesn't know I'm onto him, he looks the same as ever.

His face lights up as I approach, and I feel my gut twist.

"Hey, where have you been for the last three hours?" Brant asks me. 

"Just talking to my mum." I say. "Anyway, I need to talk to you." I sit down on the couch.

Brant sits down next to me. "What is it?" 

I swallow. I had no idea that what I would say next would alter my life, Jo's life and the baby's life, and not for the better.

The secret she took to her graveWhere stories live. Discover now