During the biology lesson
Y/n Pov:
It's a hot,sunny day, and the AC is barely working. All 36 students are in different stages of boredom, while the teacher, Ms Popa keeps talking about the reproducive system.
-The male sexual cells are produced ....[*yawn* Gosh this lesson is boring, as if we didn't already know all this shit]
- ... then are eliminated in the process known as ejaculation ...
[Hah, I think I saw a smile on Sebastians face just now. I wonder what's he thinking about. He's a pretty popular guy, but he's not in a relationship, and from what I've heard, he never speaks about his exes either. He seems straight, but there are a few moments when I'm nor sure what to think anymore... like when we looked each other in the eyes... What turns him on... Oh, shit, he noticed me looking at him!]
(Y/n) shifts his attention back to the teacher, while Sebastian stares intensively at him. (Y/n) ignores this, and for the next 10 minutes takes notes while observing the irritation on Sebastian's face. (Y/n) heads to the bathroom to take a break from Ms Popa's interminable speech.
[Huh, finally a moment of silence, can't wait for this day to be over...]
Suddenly, (Y/n) feels a firm grip on his shoulder, and as he's pushed with his back to the wall he turns to see Sebastian's face only a couple inches apart from his.
-Saw you staring at me earlier, got a problem with me, mate? Or is it something else maybe? It's not the first time either...
[Oh my god, his face his so close to mine, I can smell his minty breath... And he's getting even closer...]
-You listening to me?! That's enough, I'm gonna give you something that's gonna keep your focus on me!
Sebastian kisses (Y/n), his lips, initially stiff, softening as the kiss becomes more passionate, the aroma of the gum Sebastian 's usually chewing filling (Y/n),s mouth, driving him crazy and making him moan. (Y/n)'s hands instinctively unbutton Sebastians shirt, then go in, feeling his muscular chest and warm, soft skin, his hard nipples and eventually they go behind his back, pulling him closer.
-*moan* You're getting hard, looks like I was right all along, you really were into me... *kiss* *moan* That's enough for now, if you want more, you'll have to earn it... Come to my place after the school day is over, I have some tasks for you, if you'll do well, I might consider giving you another kiss.
Sebastian then leaves the bathroom.
[Did all of that just happen or was it just my imagination... No, it's real, I can still feel his lips on mine...]
-Hey man, you alright? You've been there for a while, the lesson is almost over, Ms Popa will start asking about you soon.
-Oh,it's you Cezar. I'm ok, just wanted to take a break, I'll go back now. Thanks for the warning though!
-No problem, you can always count on me! Though I'll expect you to return the favor.Y/n returns to the lesson, sits at his desk, and quietly starts writing, not even glancing at Sebastian, the tension from the bathroom incident still hanging in the air.
[I still cannot believe what happened... What should I do now? A part of me wants to go to his house, but the other is afraid that he was only messing with me, and I'll make a fool of myself...]
Sebastian whispers in (Y/n)s ear
-Hm, thought I'll have your full attention after what happened earlier, but it looks like I was wrong... Maybe I should reconsider the ...
-No! I'll come over, I just spaced out for a bit.
-Alright then, let's go, the lesson's over.30 minutes later
-Well, I like Evangelion, but I still think that JoJo is better, it has more character development and the music is awesome.
- True, but the psychological mindfuckery from the last episodes is too good to ...
-Hey, (Y/n), look, it's Cris, Cezar and the girls I met this summer in Bulgaria. Let's go say hi!
-Umm, I don't know, maybe we should just...
-Ugh, come on already!Sebastian and (Y/n) approach the group.
Sebastian: Hey, everyone!
Gabby: Who's the cute guy?
Sebastian: Who? (Y/n) ? He's a new classmate of ours, he's pretty cool. Likes Evangelion and plays the drums, although I never actually heard him play, so idk.
Bia: Oh, that's so cooool!!! You'll have to meet Darie and Max, they are in a band! Also, Cezar here plays the bass. Anyway, where are you guys going? We're heading for Uptown, you want to join us?
Sebastian: Nah, thanks, we have some things to do. I'll come tomorrow though.
Laura: Alright! See you!The group departs, Sebastian and (Y/n) walk for another 5 minutes before finally arriving at the house.
-Who were those guys, and what happened in Bulgaria?
-I'll tell you later, it's a long story and we're at my place already. You go ahead and enter, I'll check the mail and I'll join you. My room is up the stairs and on the left, wait for me there. I think you and I both will have a fun time...

I was Sebastianed
Lãng mạnA short adventure together with Sebastian. Love, hate ,steamy seggs, it has all. Cover credits: @tachxy Chapter cover: @caty-chara