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"Morning Lois," I grinned walking through the front door into the kitchen, "Need any help?"

"All good other than the-" She raised her voice and tilted her head slightly to the boys' room, "BOYS!" 

I took my seat at the table and kicked my legs, she set a brown bag in front of me and I smiled gratefully, "Thank you, Lois." 

She sighed and looked at me with a raised brow, "We've discussed this Ana, you can call me mom." 

"I know I know, I just like hearing you say it," I chuckled making her smile and pat my head softly before turning back to making the other lunches.

Malcolm was the first to come out then Reese and Dewey followed right behind them, they were fighting already not surprising. It was the first day of the sixth grade for me and Malcolm I was excited but Malcolm already expressed his feelings about it and he wasn't too happy about it. Last year they treated us like toddlers and he doesn't want the same thing happening this year, and I sure don't either.

"Get off me, Reese!" Malcolm yelled trying to push a giggling Reese off him, Lois rolled her eyes and continued making the lunches.

After the craziness at the house we started walking, Reese was pulling my hair giggling making me punch him in the arm, Malcolm was yelling at Reese to stop and Dewey was smiling wide humming to himself. Everything seemed to go on like a regular day until Reese spoke up, "It's your turn to walk with him." 

"I walked him yesterday and the day before!" Malcolm argued with a grimace.

"Yeah, but I walked him when he peed his pants," Reese retorted. 

"Ugh, fine." Malcolm sighed and Reese pulled my hair once more before running off giggling.

"If he does that one more time, I'm sorry Malcolm but you won't have a brother anymore." I annoyingly said rubbing where he just pulled.

"Go ahead, I'm not stopping you," He joked.

"Mom said to hold hands," Dewey smiled looking up at Malcolm. 

"Look, I'm walking right next to you, you'll be fine." Malcolm rolled his eyes annoyed by Dewey's words. Dewey slowed down while me and Malcolm continued walking we hadn't noticed Dewey's absence until a second later, we both turned and Malcolm sighed rushing over to him, "Damit! This is why everyone teases you!"  

Dewey ignored Malcolm and smiled, he looked up to me and held out his other hand which I  gladly accepted how can someone not he may be gross at times but he's a little cutie. 

"Hey, Malcolm," He turned to me and smiled with a nod, "Ana."

"Hey, Richard," Malcolm said bored.

"So my mom was telling my dad last night, about your brother. She said he's in jail." 

"What a nice conversation starter Richard," I rolled my eyes and Malcolm gave me a look telling me to "shut up" So I just sighed and kept my mouth shut when Malcolm went on his rant about where his brother actually is. Francis happened to be at a Military school, it was stupid if you asked me he was always fun to hang around, I hope none of the other WIlkersons get sent off as he did.

We turned the corner and we saw the worst person ever in existence, sure I thought Reese was bad but this guy is...much much worse, "Spath! Spath! Spath!" Dewey shouted.

Spath had always had it out for me more than anyone else, and I couldn't tell you why. He would always pull my hair harder than Reese would ever do he seems to like pushing me to the ground or just around the most. With Dewey's yells, we ran before Spath could catch us, if he did I'm sure it would be something no one would want to witness. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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