Moon Pie

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Okay, first attempt at a one-shot... let me know what you all think!
Happy Reading!


Sam huffed out a frustrated sigh for the fifth time this morning as he heard Bucky's voicemail again. "Yo dude, what's the purpose of you having a cell phone if you aren't going to ever answer it. I'm almost to your place and you better be there" he vexed before hanging up the phone. Sam was already annoyed that Bucky had failed to call his phone yesterday, like they agreed, to bail him out of the 7-hour symposium with General Ross down at Capitol Hill. So that of course meant he got stuck there all last night and into the morning. Sam all but flew from DC to Brooklyn that night but decided against it and just waited until the next day when he was finally free from the press conferences to come kick down Bucky's door.

The powers at be decided that Sam shouldn't use his wings for 'personal use' and designated that he have a driver. Sam immediately turned away the offer, stating it was way too presumptuous, but Sarah presented the idea that he could use that as an opportunity to give folks a job. 'After the blip Sam, so many people are out of work it's crazy. I have so much time off because I'm hiring folks just so we can all make ends meet' he remembers her saying. She was right, the idea was outlandish to him, but he could give someone an opportunity they may not have gotten some place else. But if Sam was going to have a driver, he was going to hire who he wanted. That's how he ended up with Reggie, ironically a Louisiana native like himself, who moved up to DC after losing everything to Hurricane Ida back in August of 2021.

The 32-year-old man had been working multiple jobs to provide for himself, his wife and their 10-year-old daughter and met Sam one day when he showed up as his uber driver. "Hey, what do you think about driving for me full time?" Sam asked cautiously after learning the man's story. "Government money, government car, full pension, health benefits for you and your family. Nothing past 5pm, you'll be home for dinner, and half time I'm back home in Delacroix anyway, so you'd still be getting paid the same to just run whatever errands I may need up this way" he tried to convince. There was really no need because the guy was already agreeing, having to pull over for a second because he was crying so hard. Since then, he and Reggie really hit it off. So, when he asked Reggie on his usual day off if he could drive him over to Bucky's place in Brooklyn, Reggie agreed in a heartbeat.

"Alrighty Boss man" Reggie said as they pulled up in front of Bucky's apartment building.

"Thanks, so much man, I really appreciate it" Sam said earnestly as he put his phone back in his suit jacket pocket. The two men got out of the car and Reggie began retrieving Sam's bags from the trunk. "Look man, tell Monique and little Régine I said hello okay" he said to the man as he took the bags from him and said goodbye.

Walking into the building he muttered a few cuss words as he noticed the 'Out of Order for Maintenance' sign on the elevator doors. "He better fucking be here, or I swear to God" he said to himself and prepared himself for the 7 flights of stairs he was about to embark on. By the time he finally he arrived at Bucky's door, he was just over it. He knocked, well banged, on the door ready to just sit down. It was amazing that he kept up with this avenger's business because right now he couldn't breathe. When Bucky still hadn't answered the door, he rolled his eyes before digging in his bag for his key. The first thing he noticed when entering the apartment was that it was clean... too clean. Like someone intentionally straightened up. Now Bucky wasn't a messy person, in fact Sam often questioned if the man was even human with it being so clean, but that was typically from it being barely anything in the condo to begin with aside from the staple furniture. Sam had to annoyingly grace the man with his presence to bring life to the place. Now Bucky at least had a few photos up on his mantle. One of his mom and little sister that a great niece sent him and a photo of the Wilson clan on the boat. Sam managed to also sneak in a picture of him, Steve and Bucky too. The tv was usually going to provide some sort of noise. It was typically the news or some old black and white movie; but today it was off and it was remarkably quiet. "Ayo Buck!" Sam yelled, dropping his bags by the sofa and dropping down on the cushioned seating, "I know you're here my guy, your nosey neighbor said he didn't see you go for a run... I still think he has a crush on you". Sam snickered to himself. That's when he heard movement and suddenly Bucky appeared in the living room. He seemed almost caught off guard, but for someone with super senses, why would he be?

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