fluff - night darling... ZhonglixFem!reader

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you and zhongli have been dating for a couple of months and you loved him with all your heart. He took care of you when you where sick and cared for you.

you got into bed one day because you had a major headache. since zhongli was gone you just had to snuggle up to the pillow he slept with because it smelled like him. You started to doze off until you heard your bedroom door open.. you sat up and looked for who it was and it was the one and only zhongli..

you tried to get up but his soft voice told you to lay down and he got into the bed with you. he pulled you closer and started to play with your hair and you rested against his chest. still cuddling his pillow you and zhongli dozed off and fell alseep.

in the middle of the night you woke up sweating from a nightmare. you stared to cry and your whimpers woke up zhongli.. zhongli then looked at you with sadness in his eyes. " whats wrong darling.." he said in a sweet sleepy tone. you looked at him and just sighed you got up from the bed with weak legs and tried to go to the kitchen but then you fell and made a boom noise in the hallway. zhongli got up and walked to see what happened  until to find you in the hallway sobbing. he then picked you up and carried you to the couch and asked you what you wanted. You replied in a soft tone " water please im getting hot..", he then nodded and got you a cup with ice water. as you drunk the water he asked what happened. you told him it was just a nightmare but he just sighed and pulled you close to him

after you finished drinking your water you placed it on the side table and cuddled up to zhonglis bare chest and started to doze off with zhongli running his hands through your hair. zhongli then put his head on top of yours and dozed off to sleep.

you  woke up laying next to him on the couch, pressed against his bare chest. you tried to get up but you where squished so you had to wake him up. as you kissed him on the cheek he started to open his eyes and give you a little look. " good morning darling" he said in a soft tone then pulled you close to him and nuzzled your neck.

he got up from the couch and picked you up and carried you to the room and ran a bath for the both of you. As the both of you waited for the water to fill the tub you went and got some towels. once the water filled the tub he took your clothes off and placed you in the tub with him getting after you. you laid on his chest for while he washed your hair and body.

as he finished washing out the soap from your hair you got out of the bath and went to dry off. you waited for zhongli to get finished you went into his closet and wore a shirt of his. as he walked out of the bathroom he looked at you and gave you a soft smile. as he walked into his closet, you laid in bed and turned on the tv and watched ( your gave movie/show)

zhongli then walked out of his closet wearing his normal outfit and sat on the side of the bed. " darling do you wanna go somewhere? " he asked while looking at you. you nodded and asked him " where did you wanna go? " he looked at you and said " hm maybe we go visit childe? " I dont wanna see him today im tired of that ginger.. you whined. All he said was ok as you crawled closer to him and sat behind him tying his hair in a low ponytail.

you laid your neck in the crook of his as you hugged his waist. he turned you around so you could sit in his lap until you both heard the doorbell ring. zhongli then got up placing you back onto the bed. You got up wanting to know who it was only for you to see it was.. A ginger.. it was childe.. You sighed and went back into the room. you unpaused the show you where watching.

zhongli lightly knocked on the door and before you could answer the door childe bursts into the room. you quickly hid the lower half of your body under the blanket.

Childe: HI Y/NN did you miss me, i know  you did

Zhongli: childe could you please lower your voice you see y/n is sick and isnt feeling the best

Childe: Oh im sorry there y/n i didnt know. well then i suppose ill just leave yall have a good evening!

Zhongli: You too! bye childe.

Childe: Bye zhongli and y/n!

3rd peson

as soon as childe left you ran to zhongli and thanked him. you then wrapped your arms around his and hugged him. He then picked you up and placed you back onto the bed. so where where we at he said. You just layed there looking at his gorgeous gold eyes.

zhongli then took his shirt off and layed in bed with you. He grabbed you by the waist and cuddled you tight against him and nuzzled your head." night darling i love you"

HI LOVESSSS how was your dayyyyy

Word count: 930

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