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Zayn 👨‍🦳
Good morning there youngster.

Naive Harry
You old people Sure get up early. Where would you be rushing to on a Saturday, it's like a certified sleep in day.

Zayn 👨‍🦳
Well it is still a day is it not. Yk daylight savings seems like a good thing. Not that you'd care though.

Naive Harry
Look all I'm saying is Saturday you gotta let loose for a bit. I do make the most of my day only on mondays to Fridays, Saturday and Sunday are off limits.

Zayn 👨‍🦳
Well that makes sense, in a way. So what type of person are you then, proper breakfast or brunch.

Naive Harry
I'm more of a brunch type of person, I mean why do people have to eat so early in the morning. It's only in the movies, people do that.

Zayn 👨‍🦳
I think it all comes down to your diet and possibly your schedule.
Anyways ttyl


Naive Harry
So how did the daylight savings go for you buddy.

Zayn 👨‍🦳
It was well utilised with a much needed beauty rest, yk for my good looks and shit.

Naive Harry
You don't say at 40 you still care about your appearance. I thought 40 was the age were people kinda let go of themselves, but you buddy sure have a way with things 😂😂

Zayn 👨‍🦳
No kidding, keeping up appearances is still important to this day Harry. Age doesn't matter

Naive Harry
Since you're old, do you have any wife and kids, or you just single and living your best life

Zayn 👨‍🦳
Oh I do have children, a 20 year old daughter. A 17 year old son and my youngest daughter is 14. Yep that's just about it. And their mom and I aren't together anymore.

Naive Harry
So you mean to tell me your oldest child is only 3 years younger than me. And I still don't know why I'm texting you still, but that doesn't mean I want to stop though.

Zayn 👨‍🦳
Maybe I can set up a play date for you and my daughter one day.

Naive Harry
Sir now that would just be plain awkward okay, I still have pride.
Imagine having a friend whose dad set you up, Just No.

Zayn 👨‍🦳
Oh no I think that would be great actually, because then I'm more aware of who my daughter is around.

Naive Harry
Sure thing old timer, bye
Thank you for reading this chapter.
Hasta la vista

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