January 09, 2022. Chaeyounng posted some bubble update and i used one for this very first page.Expect other ships to be mention other than michaeng as I added them in order for the story not to just circulate at the two.
But I would fake
I would hate
I would break every inch of my love
But I would fake
I would hate
I would break every inch of my love
Every inch of my love
-Alps//Novo Amor & Ed Tullett•••
Hi, I am Son Chaeyoung.
Beside of being a painter, I can also sing and rap.
Dahyun, who is my friend always says I should be auditioning to become a singer or a rapper but no, i never want that.
I enjoyed being with myself so why would I try doing something that I am not happy about.I noticed that there are too many people out there finding their own talents or a skill they are good at.
I considered myself as blessed since I have the talent myself.Who else would think that a small sized girl would have this incredible talent in painting?
that's what people say everytime. I'm beyond glad that they recognize me as a painter but I can't accept the fact that they always called me a small sized. –_–
Though I am very used to it, it's still an ouch for me.
Any wonder why i pushed to be a painter instead of having some other job? Well, it's because this is my passion. I really wanted to paint and whenever i have the brush in my hands, it will probably do something
Not gonna mention more about him but yes, I love Sir Vincent Van Gogh. His technique made me in a great awe. I really wanted to visit Amsterdam (where you can find the Van Gogh Museum) but I am too busy right now for my chosen career so imma do it next time.
'with someone', that's what her mind thinks but she ignored.
She went inside her room after having a relaxation onto nature.
She spends most of her time doing paintings even if she had much important to do.
She's always been scolded by dahyun-ah and she's so used to it.While starting to pick up a brush, her cellphone rings.
Someone is calling."Yes. why?"
"Sorry. Is this Ms. Son Chaeyoung?"
"Yes, I am ma'am. What can I do for you?"
"Oh I never thought you'd be this kind Ms. Son. Anyway, if ever you're not busy, can we invite you?"
"In what occasion?"
"This will be on next month probably, I am just telling you a bit early because someone says you don't want to be called in the day before the said event. An art class"
"Whoever tells you that, it is really true"
The other person on the phone laugh.
"So, what about you give it a shot, then?"I'll think of that ma'am. Right now, I am busy on some projects so I can't tell you if I already agreed or nah"
"No. No, it's fine to us Ms. Son. Take your time. Beside the new month just start. You still have time to think"
"Thank you for the consideration"
"No problem Ms."
The call ended after the teacher explains all the needed stuff before the said art class.

The Artist's Chef-d'œu·vre
Romance-COMPLETED- There was a famous "small sized" painter who loves art. She always wanted to try something new. She just don't stick on one medium. Her work in progress artwork are still everywhere in her room but she always seek for something new. Tha...