Not so bad - SakuAtsuIwaOi

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Hurt person : Sakusa
Caretakers : Atsumu, Iwaizumi and Oikawa

(Sakusa hurts himself during MSBY training, Atsumu sees, takes him home then they all look after him)

3rd person POV

Training was going smoothly, they were mainly doing individual stuff but some teammates were pairing up to work on things.

In this case it was Sakusa and Atsumu, Atsumu setting for Sakusa. They were doing fine it was towards the end of training so they were all tired and that's when mistakes happen.

It was a simple mistake just a miss step. Atsumu set the ball and Sakusa went to spike it as usual but he messed up the footwork at the start, he hit the ball and it was a good spike but the problem was how he landed.

He landed funny on his right foot and Sakusa was imidiantly met with pain. Atsumu was busy looking at the other side of the court where the ball landed, "that was a nice spike Omi!" Atsumu looked over at Sakusa.

For the most part Sakusa looked normal but Atsumu had known him for longer than others so he saw the look in his face. "Something wrong Omi?" Atsumu said, walking over to the spiker. He did a quick body scan.

"You hurt yourself?" Atsumu asked again. "It's nothing Tsumu" Sakusa dismissed. Atsumu gave him a questioning look. "Okay then let's do another spike" Atsumu tested. If Sakusa was fine he would be able to do another one.

"Okay" Sakusa agreed. Atsumu got into position and so did Sakusa, biting his lip with the pain that came with walking.

Atsumu set the ball and Sakusa ran over to the net but when it came to jumping he just couldn't. Sakusa sucked in a breath between his teeth, hovering his right foot off the ground a few inches.

By now Sakusa knew Atsumu knew something was wrong. "Omi, what hurts?" Atsumu said, getting more concerned as Sakusa could barely walk.

"It's fine, I've just landed on my foot wrong" Sakusa insisted. Atsumu bent down to look at Sakusa's foot, he touched it slightly and Sakusa tried not the cringe away from the pain.

"Let's go home Omi, so you can rest." Atsumu decided. Sakusa couldn't do much other than comply. Sakusa put an arm around Atsumu's shoulder so he could help him walk over to get both their stuff.

Since they're adults they don't have to worry about letting the coach know they're leaving, and there was only around 10 minutes left.

Once they got all their stuff and were ready to leave and head back to their shared apartment with Iwaizumi and Oikawa, which both would be home by now. Atsumu and Sakusa resumed their position of Sakusa's arm around Atsumu and Atsumu supporting Sakusa while he half walked, half limped.

Atsumu would check in on Sakusa while they were walking but Sakusa would insist he was fine even though the pain wasn't getting any better and still hurt even with the help from Atsumu.

The walk back would usually take them around 7 minutes but this time it took them 15 due to Sakusa's foot. They took the elevator up to their floor and Atsumu unlocked and opened the door.

Oikawa and Iwaizumi came over to greet them in the hall but both of them quickly got worried when Sakusa held his foot off the ground and had his arm around Atsumu for support.

"What happened?" Iwaizumi and Oikawa asked. "Omi? You wanna tell them?" Atsumu said, putting their training stuff down. "I landed on my foot wrong that's all" Sakusa said.

"Poor Omi-kun" Oikawa said, but went over to his boyfriends and gave them both a peck on the lips. Iwaizumi wasn't as convinced he just "landed on it funny" but kissed them both hello like Oikawa did.

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